Do You Have A Moment?
It’s been a busy week: we added a couple of new consignors to our weekly eBay auctions. I prefer to buy collections; more money upfront but generally there is more ‘meat on the bone’ for us as in better margins.…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
It’s been a busy week: we added a couple of new consignors to our weekly eBay auctions. I prefer to buy collections; more money upfront but generally there is more ‘meat on the bone’ for us as in better margins.…
Superman #233, DC Comics, January 1971. Artist: Neal Adams. Neal Adams steals the show with his iconic cover to Superman #233, this cover just stands out. One of my favourite comics in my collection is Undercover Girl #6 so it’s…
House of Mystery #213, DC Comics, April 1973. Artist: Bernie Wrightson. Just some nasty good Gargoyles from the pencil of Bernie Wrightson, I love background colours on this cover. A striking cover from J.G. Jones on Wonder Woman #213 (1987…
Detective Comics #184, DC Comics, June 1952. Artist: Win Mortimer. Revisiting some popular past Covered 365 themes with today’s books. First lets see what lies at the end of the Rainbow, how about a great Win Mortimer Detective #184 delivering…
Detective Comics, DC, February 1952. Artist: Win Mortimer. Win Mortimer adds another cover to his impressive list with a cool Joker scene on Detective Comics #180. I really like the aesthetics and simplicity of Four Color #180, sadly I’ve always…
Detective Comics #168, DC Comics, February 1951, Artist: Lew Sayre Schwartz . For me it was a close race between the winner Detective Comics #168 by Lew Schwartz and the runner up Daredevil Comics #168 (pic below) by Frank Miller and…
Detective Comics #153, DC Comics, November 1949 – Artist: Dick Sprang. I know I covered this as a Spotlight pick a while back but it is a fantastic Dick Sprang cover and it has to win the day. Detective Comics…
Detective Comics #130, DC Comics, December 1947 – Artist: Bob Kane. I remember buying this at the 2017 NYCC, I picked it up for a friend named Tony who loved the cover and loved the story told inside. Tony had…
Detective Comics #102, DC Comics, August 1945 – Artist: Dick Sprang. A striking cover with great colors, the Joker, Batman and Robin and that awe inspiring Big Logo Detective mast. X-Men #102 had a strong cover as did Amazing Spider-Man…
A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era. Detective Comics #73 – DC Comics, March 1943 – Artist: Bob Kane with Jerry Robinson…
A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era. Day 31 – Detective Comics #31, Artist – Bob Kane. The hobby gives soooo much…
Detective Comics #153, DC Comics, November 1949. I was sorting through a pile of old Golden Age a while back and came across a rat chewed Detective Comics that for some reason made me do a double-take. It honestly took…
Heritage Signature Auction February 18th I watched that Amazing Fantasy #15 auction finish live and it was pretty exciting. I wanted to click “Bid” but there was one too many zero in the price, actually there was more like two…
Detective Comics #327, DC Comics, May 1964 With all the changes comic book characters go through these days it’s hard to imagine a time when concepts, costumes and even title logos changed little over decades. This week’s Undervalued Spotlight pick…
Detective Comics #17, DC Comics, (July 1938) Comic books have spawned some of the greatest characters in fiction. Just look how much other media have tapped this nursery of character development that comic books are. The most valuable comics are…
Detective Comics #33, DC Comics (November 1939) Batman is one of the most important superheroes of all time, top three on everybody’s list and #1 on a majority of peoples list. Next to 1st appearances Origin issues are the most…
Detective Comics #32, DC Comics, October 1939 As far as I’m concerned there is no greater comic book title than Detective Comics. The iconic cover to the March 1937 1st issue is one of the most identifiable covers in the…
ComicLink November 2011 Featured Auction The November ComicLink Featured Auction has just ended. I really liked this auction, there was a little something here for everybody! The top 50 comics were an interesting mix. Of the top 50 there were…
Detective Comics #395, DC Comics, January 1970 I meant to post this book right after Undervalued Spotlight #98. The two books go hand in hand as far as I’m concerned since both represent major steps in the development of superhero…