Covered 365: Day 286
Batman #286, DC Comics, April 1977. Artist: Jim Aparo. I think Day 286 is one of the best cover days we’ve had in weeks, lots of strong contenders. Jim Aparo edges out Mike Zeck with his double Joker cover on…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Batman #286, DC Comics, April 1977. Artist: Jim Aparo. I think Day 286 is one of the best cover days we’ve had in weeks, lots of strong contenders. Jim Aparo edges out Mike Zeck with his double Joker cover on…
Hi folks, welcome to ARCHIE G’s. I’m your waiter, Raoul. Here at Archie G’s, we don’t think you can make a dependable Pull List decision based on the first serving of a comic. Publishers throw everything they’ve got at a first issue:…
Astonishing Tales #25 features the 1st appearance of Deathlok the Demolisher. The Frankenstein inspired character, a Cyborg reanimated from the corpse of American soldier Col. Luther Manning, was created by Rich Buckler. Doug Moench gets script credits and co-creator credits…
Brent takes a look at the career of the late, great Dwayne McDuffie. He's joined by comic creator Sean Taylor who shares his thoughts on the loss of such a wonderful and thoughtful comic creator.
Writer: Rick Remender Pencils: Esad Ribic Inks: John Lucas Colours: Matt Wilson Letters: Cory Petit Cover: Esad Ribic Publisher: Marvel Comics Five issues into the latest incarnation of X-Force, Remender’s run has taken a very early twist. Whether it’s for better or…