Tag DC

New DC Absolutes

DC Comics has announced via their blog, where all their news comes from, two new Absolute editions for next year. [quote]Coming in September 2012, ABSOLUTE GREEN LANTERN: SINESTRO CORPS WAR will collect the story of Sinestro’s bid for totalitarian control…

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52Q | #56: Creators, Deadlines and Consistency

DC's new program of keeping books on schedule by getting books done well ahead of publication and shifting creative teams seems to be working. Of course it also means writers and artists are being juggled around to keep things flowing. Marvel's approach seems to have artists taking turns, giving readers up to six artists in a six issue stretch.

This week's 52Q: do you stick to a book when it has multiple creators or do you cherry pick issues based on your favourites? Would you rather see a small publishing delay for creator consistency?

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Black Panther 529

Oh look, a Batman cover from Francesco Francavilla in that retro pulp style of his.  Very nice.  What’s that?  It’s a Black Panther cover for issue 529?  Wow: DC, get that lawyer patrol on the case. And why is Black…

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Collected New 52

First off every title is getting a collection of at least six issues, so DC clearly has no plans to cancel any of their New 52 titles within the first six months. Since they required books to be done well in advance I'd hazard a guess they already have at least six issues ready to go.

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