Tag DC

Retailer Q | #9: DC’s New 52 Six Months In

Welcome to Retailer Q, spinning 52Q’s format at top Canadian comic retailers. Comic Book Daily asks the question and our retail friends give their perspective. DC's New 52 is six months old, titles have been cancelled and new titles announced; all in all a resounding success. As retailers are you seeing sales of DC's titles sinking back to pre-relaunch numbers? Are you selling more DC titles than you were before the relaunch? How does DC's future look from this point on?
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What Do You Hate?

It’s easy to compile a list of things we love about comics, it’s easy because we love them.  There’s an undefined, miscellaneous feeling  involved in reading comics… an x-factor.  It feels cool somehow, as if there’s an unexplainable ‘comics-force’ available to tap…

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The comic book era of the 90’s gets crapped on a lot. And for good reason. It’s not so much that things like chrome covers, variant covers, inter-company crossovers or Image style artists were or are a bad thing, it…

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New DC Absolutes

DC Comics has announced via their blog, where all their news comes from, two new Absolute editions for next year. [quote]Coming in September 2012, ABSOLUTE GREEN LANTERN: SINESTRO CORPS WAR will collect the story of Sinestro’s bid for totalitarian control…

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