Tag DC

X-Men Days of Future Past

One of the benefits of discussing movies after their release date is that you can actually talk about things. So, as is custom, here is your spoiler warning: do not read any further if you haven't seen X-Men Days of Future Past yet and would like to be surprised when you get a Bluray in your stocking at Christmas. For everyone else I thought I'd share some thoughts on the flick, the franchise, and comic book movies in general.

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DC Now!

I remember when DC’s the New 52 were first announced there was a lot of skepticism on this site. That soon changed once people realized how significant the event was, as well, DC appeared to be very committed to this new direction. Our Undervalued Spotlight host, Walter himself was speculating if these new books would become the new “keys” of this current generation. Well, it's been over two years so I thought I'd check to see how the initial wave of these books are doing in the back issue market.

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The New Marvel Ident

With the release of Thor: The Dark World, Marvel introduced to us their new ident. Without getting too deep, an ident is basically an animated logo that, as the name suggests, help to identify a product, service or the company itself.

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Raw, Raw, Raw!

Last weekend was the Toronto ComiCon. Now I realize this site is read by people from all over the world, and if you have been following the posts here the last few days, a lot has been said about it already. So I will leave it at that except to say I was there looking for raw comics in particular but I was looking for one CGC graded book as well.

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How Much For Everything?

But isn't that implicitly what Marvel and DC state by having a shared universe for their stories? If all their stories are great and if they all have the same heroes who live in the same world then wouldn't I want to buy every book they produce? I decided to get out the Previews Guide and a calculator to answer this rhetorical question. I used the January 2014 Previews as a proxy for the entire year on the assumption that some months will have fewer books and some months will have more but overall it will probably average out. I didn't include books not in the shared universe and I didn't include collected editions.

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Man of Steel 2… everyone except Aquaman!

Fast forward to now and you've all heard the news. The sequel to Man of Steel is going to include Batman (played by former "Daredevil" actor Ben Affleck). It will also feature Wonder Woman who will be portrayed by Gal Gadot. There are also rumours that the Arrow TV series may tie into Man of Steel 2, which will bring Arrow and The Flash into the fold. I have also heard of rumours that Nightwing may make an appearance too (this has been speculation with no confirmation... so don't shoot me).

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Comics Market Mirrors 1990s Crash

Readers and collectors just have to refuse to spend hard-earned money on some of the junk that's thrown our way whether it's in the primary or the secondary market. As a reader-collector, I'm very discriminating in what I buy and collect because at $4 a pop - more for some books - reading comics is becoming a very expensive hobby; even more so for the serious collector seeking to purchase the classics.
If we don't fall for the junk we can help keep some of the nonsense out of the market and ensure we get the most for our money

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Comics are sh*t.

Easily the coolest storyteller in the history of cool storytellers’: Quentin Tarantino  is a formidable force in the wonderful world of favourable fiction. His fans love him almost unconditionally and why shouldn’t they?  His work often has funny, cool, smart…

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