Episode 15: DC goes to the “creative” well again with ‘Smallville – Season 11’
On this week's episode of "The Couch," Andrew Ardizzi offers his thoughts DC's latest announcement, "Smallville - Season 11," as a comic book.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
On this week's episode of "The Couch," Andrew Ardizzi offers his thoughts DC's latest announcement, "Smallville - Season 11," as a comic book.
(Whosoever Holds This Hammer appears every Tuesday exclusively on comicbookdaily.com) Before all you haters go ape-poop on me, calm down and read the whole article. Brian Michael Bendis and Geoff Johns are great writers. Ultimate Spider-Man and the current Green…
Tom Brevoort Thought we had this city won, but apparently DC Comics is staying in NYC. So the fight goes on… So, it looks like it’s a non-announcement. We all expected something pretty epic – but in the end, we…
Do you guys remember Pop Up Video? Oh man, I loved that, there were so many great little factoids – in fact I sort of wish that normal music videos all that factoids pop up to better explain why certain…
Hey DC Comics…er DC Entertainment. How have you been? I’m doing okay, I’m not part of a multi-million dollar corporation or anything but I get by. Listen, I’ve been wanting to tell you something. It might be a little hard…
No words… well, a few: who would have thought that James Woods would make a great Owlman? Chris Noth as Luthor? Inspired casting.. Check out this cast, a little outside the box: Mark Harmon … Superman (voice) William Baldwin ……
The awesome gang over at SPOILER TV (Thanks for all the Lost speculation based on casting calls gang!) managed to get their hands on some exclusive character breakdowns as well as one or two plot points. Characters include Carol Ferris…
Reading writer Andy Diggle’s Twitter feed today, I ended up at the twitter of Stringer Belle himself Idiris Elba. Who posted this cheerful photo of the film’s cast. The cast: (From Left to Right) Idris Elba (Rocque), Columbus Short (Pooch),…
If you thought the recent shake-up/rebranding of DC Comics into DC Entertainment might mean that a Superman movie was being developed… don’t. MTV News spoke with Diane Nelson, the new head of DC Entertainment, and she said that the Man…