Undervalued Spotlight #407
Adventure Comics #247, DC Comics, April 1958. I’ve never been a big fan of DC’s early Silver Age relaunch books but I’m well aware that I speak to an empty room. The room is empty because everyone is out buying…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Adventure Comics #247, DC Comics, April 1958. I’ve never been a big fan of DC’s early Silver Age relaunch books but I’m well aware that I speak to an empty room. The room is empty because everyone is out buying…
Adventure Comics #93, DC Comics, August/September 1944. I love browsing through some of the bigger auctions. I always start by having a peek at the Golden Age offerings, there’s so much great Golden Age out there! It was a recent ComicLink…
Watchmen #1, DC Comics, September 1986. This week’s Undervalued Spotlight pick is Watchmen #1. The 1986 Watchmen maxi-series by writer Alan Moore and artist Dave Gibbons stands as one of the greatest achievements in the comic book medium, it’s a…
Superman Annual #1, DC Comics, October 1960. In comic collecting Superman has led the way with some 1sts that both collectors and investors love. Action Comics #1 gave birth to the whole superhero genre that we all know and enjoy…
Swamp Thing #1, DC Comics, August-September 1972. Long time Undervalued Spotlight supporter Carey chimes in this week with a fantastic pick. Carey has always had a good eye spotting the obvious that others sometimes miss and this week is no…
Tales of the Unexpected #16, DC Comics, August 1957. This Spotlight pick was inspired by a chat I was having with Mike Huddleston (come to think of it a lot of my Spotlight picks come to me while chatting with Mike…
This week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija talk all things comics. So sit just kick back, relax and enjoy this week’s Comic Culture. Oh, and please, please make sure you go out and support your local comic…
Batman #253, DC Comics, November 1973 Batman comics from the early Bronze Age are some of the most collected comics in the hobby. Our friend Neal Adams had a lot to do with this thanks to his stellar work; Beatles…
Speaking of milestones, both DC and Marvel Comics celebrated their 75th Anniversary during the past several years. DC Comics was officially founded in 1934 and Marvel Comics back in 1939. Despite all the promotions and industry events, anecdotally speaking, the…
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen #1, America’s Best Comics, March 1999 I think the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (LOEG) is one of the best ideas to come out of comics ever! That’s a big statement to make but I believe it…
House of Secrets #94, DC Comics, October/November 1971 Sadly Bernie Wrightson passed away March 18th, 2017 at the way too young age of 68. Mr. Wrightson was a true giant of the industry, his work helped define the Bronze Age…
Falling in Love #121, DC Comics, February 1971 Ahh, my favorite post of the year because I get to say, Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. I hope your day/year/life is filled with love. I honestly spend too much time on this…
Blackhawk #117, DC Comics, October 1957 This week’s Spotlight came to me while I was trying to convince the owner of a large Batman collection to sell, or at least trade his books to me. He’s looking for a Spider-Man…
All Star Comics #57, DC Comics, February/March 1951 Who wouldn’t be impressed with a stack of comics that included Showcase #4, Showcase #22, Flash #123, Flash #129, Showcase #55, Green Lantern #40, Justice League #41 and a slew of others?…
More Fun Comics #17, DC Comics, January 1937 Happy New Year everyone. I wanted to start off 2016 by being topical, by righting a wrong and by fulfilling the mission of the Spotlight, all in one book. I couldn’t get…
House of Mystery #175, DC Comics, July/August 1968 Undervalued Spotlight fan Todd emailed me a while ago with a great suggestion. Todd asked what I thought of House of Mystery #175 and I said I loved the book, with #174…
Brave and the Bold #34, DC Comics, February/March 1961 Fan Expo Toronto was both a lot of fun and a lot of work. The fun always wins out though because you get to see lots of old friend, and make…
Super Friends #7, DC Comics, October 1977 Thank goodness for Guest Spotlight writers! Imagine having only my delusional rantings to read week in and week out! Luckily we have a strong group of Spotlight fans brave enough to stick their…
Adventure Comics #428, DC Comics, (June/July 1973) I’ve run across Adventure Comics #428 countless times over the past few years as Spotlight ideas came to me but I’ve never been able to pull the trigger and feature the book. I’m…