Week 37: The Pawn Shop
It was way too cool in Southern Ontario yesterday – 18 Celsius or about 64 Fahrenheit! I love summer, please don’t leave yet! This week I thought I’d try to generate all the splash pages from my eBay pile. Its…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
It was way too cool in Southern Ontario yesterday – 18 Celsius or about 64 Fahrenheit! I love summer, please don’t leave yet! This week I thought I’d try to generate all the splash pages from my eBay pile. Its…
This week I just aimlessly let my thoughts go just to see where they would take me. I’ve always loved Howard Chaykin, he gives us some high quality pre-stylized Chaykin in this splash from Detective Comics #441. Some week’s ago…
Four Color #279, Eastern Color, June 1950, Artist: Bill Wright. We’re getting less and less to choose from folks, there were only 38 covers to pick from today. Clearly the best of the lot was Bill Wright’s delightful Mickey Mouse…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Davis, Farmer, Colan, Green, Cockrum, Buscema, Marcos, Stroman.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Green, Faucher, Ramos, Rubinstein, Byrne, Romita Jr., Cockrum.
When I initially was planning to do this post, I was going to talk about one of the most revered winning collaborations out there, John Byrne and Terry Austin’s run on the X-men. Which culminated with the Dark Phoenix Saga. However when…
Along with Wallace Wood’s trademark 1970s Sally Forth and Cannon strips that ran in the Overseas Weekly military newspaper, Wood created a super-rare third strip, a sexy western, produced in 1972, named Shattuck. Wood originally conceived of, co-wrote (with Nick Cuti), and…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly at the Heritage 2015 February 19 - 21 Comics & Comic Art Signature Auction.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly at the ComicLink Fall Featured Auction 2014.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly at the ComicLink Summer Featured Auction.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days.
In those good old days they actually fought bad guys, and had adventures, and smiled every once in a while. They even spent time playing the occasional softball game. They don’t have time for softball now, what with all the mass genocide and eviscerating one another with scythes and claws.
That’s why I am so crazy about AMAZING X-MEN #2.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days: Ross, Adams, Bolland, Cooks, Cockrum, Miller, Dell'Otto, Opena, Buscema, Byrne, Mignola, Romita Jr., Russell, Rivera, Rude, Nguyen, Young, Maleev, Kirby and more!