Tag crafts

Getting Crafty With Comics – Invitations

My son recently had a birthday and he wanted to have a "Marvel's Avengers" themed birthday. My wife headed over to the local "party store" to find all the Avengers merchandise we would need for the party. She picked up Avengers plates, Avengers napkins, Avengers table cloth... are you starting to see a pattern here?

When it came to the invitations, that's when she called me for help. We could buy 8 Avengers invitations for $8.99.

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Getting Crafty

When it comes to comic books and geek culture in general, you can buy anything.  Well almost anything. Sure you can buy t-shirts, decals, fridge magnets, action figures, coffee mugs and yadda-yadda-yadda.  But there are something’s you can’t buy. When…

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