Much like Ed and Scott did this week, I’m kind of going off the beaten path of my regular comic book subjects… ok, I know I’ve spoken about pro wrestling a few times in here but that doesn’t count because…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Much like Ed and Scott did this week, I’m kind of going off the beaten path of my regular comic book subjects… ok, I know I’ve spoken about pro wrestling a few times in here but that doesn’t count because…
Take a look at the first full Conan The Barbarian movie trailer. It seems to fit the bill for an ancient non-historical specific action adventure with lots of swordplay, sorcery and mayhem.
Our first glimpse of warm weather reminds us that summer is just around the corner. April showers bring more than May flowers; they bring the start of the summer movie season. What comic book movies hit the big screen this…
This week hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija tackle issues as wide ranging as the trouble plagues Spider-Man musical, the Wonder Woman TV series, the Conan movie trailer, getting ready for comic book conventions and lots more. So kick back,…
Conan in August! But with so little to see in the teaser it’s hard to tell whether or not the movie will be any good. Fans of the character will always compare it to the Arnold films while people new…
Welcome to another installment of Pick Five, where one of our writers picks five of whatever comic related “fill in the blank” that tickles their fancy. The success rate of adapting comic book properties into other media is astonishing and…
Have you taken a look at how many comic book based (and other films that aim at the same fan base) films are coming out this summer? A lot. We have Green Lantern, Thor, X-Men: First Class, Captain America, Transformers…
After thoroughly enjoying Conan Volume 7 I scanned my local comic book shop and found Conan Volume 6: The Hand Of Nergal softcover. Here’s the publisher’s blurb: A mysterious curse lingers, following Conan as he attempts to return to his…
I was a faithful fan of Dark Horse’s Conan relaunch with Cary Nord as artist but after he left I drifted away. Came across Conan: Cimmeria or Conan Volume 7, depending how you interpret the spine and title page of…
Conan the Barbarian #1, Marvel Comics, October 1970 Conan the Barbarian was an important comic book in many ways. Some argue the book ushered in the Bronze Age while others look to Marvel’s first major licensing effort (actually only $200…
I’ve tried getting into Conan. I read the Kurt Busiek run and thought the art was beautiful and that it was well written but frankly I just didn’t care much. The allure is that he’s a don’t-take-crap-from-nobody type of dude…
Artist John Romita, Jr., inker Klaus Janson, and colorist Dean White have recreated 1970’s CONAN THE BARBARIAN #1 for the cover of a limited hardcover Hero Initiative variant edition of THE OVERSTREET COMIC BOOK PRICE GUIDE #40. This is the…
we were talking about it earlier this week, but now it looks like we’ve finally gotten our Conan, and he’s not exactly unfamiliar to fans of sci-fi. Deadline Hollywood says that Denise Huxtable’s husband has inherited Arnold Schwarzenegger’s fur loincloth…
…and what are the odds of having a pomegranate loving phoenix as his sidekick? Probably slim to none.. but hey, a guy raised on the cartoon can dream can’t he? So Who is next to done Schwarzenegger’s loin cloth? Either…
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back once more to the Comic Book Daily creator profiles. This time around we have an interview from the Toronto Fan Expo with the new artist for Fantastic Four; Dale Eaglesham. Conducted by our very own…