Great Analysis
The mighty Alex Sortensen has been at it again, the man likes to analyze the market, lucky for us he’s willing to share his findings and his insights. We appreciate your efforts, Alex! OK let’s turn things over to Mr.…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
The mighty Alex Sortensen has been at it again, the man likes to analyze the market, lucky for us he’s willing to share his findings and his insights. We appreciate your efforts, Alex! OK let’s turn things over to Mr.…
I’ve been dealing in a lot of books lately, both CGC and raw copies and so I’ve been jumping onto GPA quite a bit to read the tea leaves. One big trend I have noticed is the lack of a…
Thanksgiving weekend, which for me means some family gatherings! It was a big doubleheader for me today, at the folks for afternoon session then brother in law’s for the evening. Suffice to say way too much of that Bosnian hooch…
The 50th edition of the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide hit the shelves last Wednesday so it’s a good time to open it up and check it out. For the rest of this post, I’ll simply call it the Guide. It…
This will be the last of a three week push into market analysis, we’ll change speed next week, we’ll come back to the tough stuff but only after we visit some lighter, more fun topics in the coming weeks. There…
Thanks for the comments on last week’s post. Lets keep pushing into the brave new world on investing in comics. One of my favourite old Star Trek episodes was the one where Kirk was stuck on the planet with the…
The most important driver of value for comic books is character introduction. Cover driven value has picked up over the past few years but covers are still a distant second to character introduction. Character Introduction is a huge topic and…
I hope everyone is safe and healthy and practicing their social distancing responsibly. Right now we need to keep up our mental health as well as our physical health so I thought I’d post something positive that looks forward to…
Superhero movies have been on an incredible run. Ever since X-Men premiered in 2000 and Spider-Man two years later, superhero movies have been box office gold. Perhaps even more incredible is the fact that most of them have been well…
I’ve been wondering lately; is the old price guide model of valuing comics based on where they fit in the numerical sequence out of date? Don’t tell me the guide doesn’t matter, most of us still buy off guide values, we…
This week I want to examine how the census numbers influence the market values between the 9.0 – 9.8 grades (i.e., the “mint” grades). Immediately we’re confronted with three problems.
Recently I bought a very large comic collection. There are thousands of comic books, all from the mid 1940s to the mid 1970s. Nice deep runs of the main Marvel and DC titles are present as are solid runs of…