Covered 365: Day 154
Action Comics #154, DC Comics, March 1951 – Artist: Win Mortimer. A quick glance at the cover of Action Comics #154 fills your head with impure thoughts but when you have a second look trying to spot the indiscretions they’re…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Action Comics #154, DC Comics, March 1951 – Artist: Win Mortimer. A quick glance at the cover of Action Comics #154 fills your head with impure thoughts but when you have a second look trying to spot the indiscretions they’re…
Superman #30, DC Comics, September/October 1944. I remember having a solid copy of an old Sup a couple of years ago. I remember picking it up and loving the cover, a great love triangle cover with a sassy Lois snubbing…
“Dear Doc Curmudgeon” is a column by Clint McElroy made up of completely fabricated responses to mostly fabricated questions. But you knew that due to your discerning nature and brilliant mind which would never fall for a columnist trying to…
It’s time for another update from BIFF SOCKO, TWO-FISTED NEWSHOUND. Biff Socko covers Comic Book News like zits on the A-V Club. Faster than Perry White! Stronger than J. Jonah Jameson! He is…BIFF SOCKO! DATELINE: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE – It…
On this week's episode of "The Couch," Andrew Ardizzi offers his thoughts DC's latest announcement, "Smallville - Season 11," as a comic book.
I think we can all agree that All Star Superman is the best Superman story since Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow; if you disagree let me know in the comments.. but if you remain quiet, I’ll just assume…