It’s Gonna Be Tight
It’s down to the wire for the warehouse move: we have to be out by October 31st and it looks like we’ll just gonna make it. Here is a picture of the comics room at the new warehouse: there’s roughly…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
It’s down to the wire for the warehouse move: we have to be out by October 31st and it looks like we’ll just gonna make it. Here is a picture of the comics room at the new warehouse: there’s roughly…
I was cycling and took a nice spill on a hairpin turn this past Saturday and popped my clavicle out at the ligament. To make things worse I tore a muscle in my chest during the fall which is making…
Saw a few Marvel Movie trailers earlier today and here are my quick reviews. Loki – looks good but needs more star power. Falcon and Winter Soldier – looks like its unsure of what it wants to do, I hope…
We, ICE via our internationalcollectiblesexchange eBay store, are going to launch our Fist Annual Canadiana Comics eBay Auction very soon, all the lots will be posted on the evening of Friday, June 18th with the 10-day auction ending Monday, June…
Now, more than ever, we have become acutely aware that we all swim in each others’ mists and that proximity can transmit and infect. The western handshake and European cheek peck may soon become obsolete and the palm-press namaste of…
Christmas is just a week away and the eye-of-the-storm peacefulness and sentiment of the coming Christmas eve and Christmas day, rather than its stressful bustle and rabid commerce, begin to rope me in. This holiday season, I’ve been wistfully thinking…
I remember Gerry Lazare telling me that it took Fred Kelly over a year of having his art repeatedly critiqued and rejected by Bell Features’ Art Director Adrian Dingle before Dingle allowed one of Kelly’s stories to be published. Well,…
Having put Heroes of the Home Front and the first edition of the WECA Comic Book Price Guide to bed last summer and having the fall and winter to relax from the scramble of getting these two projects together and…
Let me put forward an analogy that, I think, sort of explains the nature of the four main Canadian WECA comic book publishers. If you remember, these four are Anglo-American and Bell Features—both based in Toronto, Maple Leaf Publishing based…
Ready to kick off the Kickstarter for my Book on the Bell Features artists called Heroes of the Home Front on or about Labour Day and was fortunate enough to get a write up by Jeff Mahoney in the local…
I often wonder how many WECA (or, if you prefer, Canadian Whites) collectors there are out there? How many of them are outside Canada (in the States, in the UK, in Europe, or even in Australia/New Zealand)? In any case,…
It was great to meet up with Jack Tremblay and his son Rick Trembles at the Montreal Comic Con this past Saturday. Jack turned 91 this on May 1st and now lives in a retirement home after a fall that…
It’s hard to contradict the axiom that comic book collecting these days is character driven. In this piece, I’d like to focus on a few WECA period artists who maybe should be more collectible just for the quality of their…
By my reckoning (and I hope I haven’t missed any), there were 48 WECA comics on offer in last month’s ComicLINK auction. You can check out results from the October auction here and last year’s summer auction (which will also…
This largest ever offered collection of WECA comics keeps on rolling out from out of the Land Beyond the Mists (we may never find out the source of this collection because Jon Signorelli tells me that the owner wants to…
We’ve just come to the end of 3 summer ComicLink auctions (you can check earlier results from a couple of years ago in a two of my old columns: Feb. 2014 and April 2014 ). These summer auctions featured almost a…
Comic Link Focused Auction The comic book portion of the ComicLink Focused Auction ended Thursday September 29th. This auction was the follow up auction to the historic Featured Auction that ended September 8th. Those people down at ComicLink sure know…
During the WECA period, Educational Projects in Montreal seemed to be putting out the poor cousins of those Toronto and Vancouver comics which were populated with fictional and fantastic crime and Nazi fighters of all shapes and sizes. Canadian Heroes…
Just like my last post, I am still mulling over ways to acknowledge and publicize 2016 as the 75th anniversary of the Canadian comic book (Better Comics V. 1 N. 1). I hope that my book on Bell Features artists (which should…
About a month ago, Eddy Smet, a retired math professor from Huron College at the University of Western Ontario (1976-2006), long time comic book collector and former comic book store owner (The Comic Book Collector—there was also an Eddy Smet…