Canadian G.I. Joe Convention: Decommissioned
Last week sad news was released in regards to G.I. Joe (especially for Canadians): the Canadian G.I. Joe Convention is officially retired. After 10 years, it is done.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Last week sad news was released in regards to G.I. Joe (especially for Canadians): the Canadian G.I. Joe Convention is officially retired. After 10 years, it is done.
The Canadian G.I. Joe Convention (CanJoeCon) is just one week away, and this year is looking like it’s shaping up to be a great year for the CanJoeCon. This year’s special guests include Robert Atkins (comic book artist), Valentine DeLandro (comic…
This past Saturday (July 18th), G.I. Joe fans invaded Toronto for the annual Canadian G.I. Joe Convention (CanJoeCon). This is the highlight of the year for any “Canuck” G.I. Joe fan. It was written on my calendar as soon as…