Tag campaign of the week

Campaign of the Week : ‘True Patriot’ Vol. 2

In 2012 a group of Canadian writers and artists came together with a single idea: promote Canadian comic books. Anchored by national talents like J. Torres, Andy Belanger, Adrian Alphona, J. Bone, Ramon Perez, Fred Kennedy, Adam Gorham, Agnes Garbowska, Scott Chantler, Faith Erin Hicks, Howard Wong and many, many more, this collective successfully gained backing for the first volume of True Patriot. The collection of short comics celebrated Canadiana, and now they've returned for a second tour as they recently kicked off their second crowdfunding effort on Kickstarter

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Campaign of the Week: ‘In the Dark:’ A Horror Anthology

If you love horror comics, or even supernatural stories, this is a perfect comic for you as you'll get huge 250 page book filled from cover to cover with quality work from the writers and artists who offered their time to work on the project without any compensation up front. These ladies and gentlemen love their craft and love writing and drawing within the horror genre, and if you're a fan of their work or the genre itself you should support this project. The $50 perk is a great reward on its own, but if you're outside the U.S. and are squeamish about the extra shipping cost, getting the $10 digital PDF version is a great option

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Campaign of the Week: ‘Heroes of the North’ Season 2

Rushing from the success of their first season, which has netted over two million views across various online video platforms, the crew behind the series has returned for a second go-around with their Canadian-based superhero universe. The first season of the series was 20, 22-minute episodes long which ultimately won two "Indie Intertube Awards" in 2010 for Best Costumes and Best Opening Sequence.

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