Dark Knight III
I just jumped in the deep end. I am an admitted Son of the Silver Age, Marvel Silver Age to be precise. I came to the conclusion at the ripe old age of ten that I was a Marvel guy.…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
I just jumped in the deep end. I am an admitted Son of the Silver Age, Marvel Silver Age to be precise. I came to the conclusion at the ripe old age of ten that I was a Marvel guy.…
DC Comics kicked off its all-access panel Aug. 25 with multiple Before Watchmen announcements.
On the heels of its first two Before Watchmen titles, Minute Men and Silk Spectre, last week DC released the third entry in its set of prequel stories plotted before Alan Moore's infamous Watchmen series. The Comedian follows suit comparably to the previous Before Watchmen books in their portrayal of the principal characters' lives leading into Moore's work, and while each has added considerable layers to pre-existing elements of the plot and the respective character histories, inevitably they suffer from the same affliction inherent to the premise of these tales
Wonder Woman has traditionally been a character unlike most within the mainstream superhero genre of comics. Where the heroes themselves are commonly viewed as gods in the metaphorical sense, Wonder Woman literally lives among them, standing beside the likes of Zeus, Hera, Aphrodite, Athena and Ares. Yet without a true antagonism the character's books has always felt a little hollow outside the Justice League books.
On this week's episode of the "Comfy Couch," Andrew Ardizzi chimes in on the recent DC announcement to move forward with 'Watchmen' prequels.
I’m moving soon. It sort of sucks. Not that I’m moving for any bad reasons really. I’m moving in with my girlfriend (who is incredibly pro-comic book) and I’m lucky in the respect that due to my living situation I…
How was your Fan Expo weekend? Glad to hear it. How was mine? Oh you know, My FF workshop was the buzz of the internet for a weekend, Brian Azzarello, Jill Thompson and Matt Fraction tried to convince me to…
Some of DC's brightest creators involved in the Flashpoint mini-series spoke to fans for an hour on Aug. 26 at Fan Expo during the Flashpoint Friday DC panel.
Friday was my first day at Fan Expo 2011, and I would say it turned out fairly well.
Hobbystar has really pulled out all the stops to make sure that the customers are getting the most out of the now 4 day convention. Announced earlier today, the guestline up is quite the who's who of the comic world. Check out the list inside.
Over at Vertigo’s Graphic Content Blog they tease an actual conversation between 100 Bullets writer Brian Azzarello & Editor Will Dennis: AZZ: I got an idea for a new series. ME: What’s it called? AZZ: SPACEMAN. ME: SPACEMAN? Is that…
Paul Pope let slip some interesting factoids via his twitter feed today when he showed off some gorgeous concept artwork for an aborted Kamandi pitch to be written by Brian Azzarello with art by himself. Pope wrote: He went on…
First Wave #1 (DC) Written by Brian Azzarello Drawn by Rags Morales I hate when promotion drops the ball on something I’m waiting for especially when it turns out it’s something I end up liking. As I duly noted last…
There seems to be a bit of weird synergy going on. Brian Azzarello is currently mapping out grand plans for the the reintroduction of the pulp heroes of yesteryear with his First Wave project. (What a terrible name, couldn’t they…
Warren Ellis once said, sometime, somewhere long ago that, “the idea of superheroes dominating comic books was as ludicrous as all novels only being written about nurses.” What he means is that we have in ‘sequential art’ is a intelligent…