Lockdown Lowdown
Big B Comics is in lockdown as are all other non-essential shops in Ontario, Canada. We are relying on mail-order business and curb-side pick-ups. As a team we had a meeting and decided that we will not let anybody go,…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Big B Comics is in lockdown as are all other non-essential shops in Ontario, Canada. We are relying on mail-order business and curb-side pick-ups. As a team we had a meeting and decided that we will not let anybody go,…
Brave and the Bold #91 – DC Comics, August/September 1970 – Artist: Nick Cardy (pencils and inks). So I actually spent time looking for some lame blank sketch variant #91 as my April Fools post, when I could not find…
The Brave and the Bold #159, DC Comics, February 1980. I know we’re all saving up for Valentine’s Day so I thought I’d make this Spotlight another affordable one. Forgive me though because I’m still on this Ra’s Al Ghul kick.
Brave and the Bold #79, DC Comics, August/September 1968 Neal Adams knew something was wrong with Batman even during the absolute height of the character’s popularity. In a panel at the 2010 San Diego Comic Con (with excerpts reprinted in…