Week 48: Metals and Alloys
A little something from each of the older eras this week. The Silver, Bronze and Copper are from my eBay pile so I hope they are first-time views for most people. Big John Buscema never disappoints, check out this great…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
A little something from each of the older eras this week. The Silver, Bronze and Copper are from my eBay pile so I hope they are first-time views for most people. Big John Buscema never disappoints, check out this great…
Couldn’t pick a theme this week but I knew I had to show you this nasty Bob Fujitani splash from Pep Comics. I had Bob featured in Week 1 and I’m not sure why I’ve waited this long for his…
My mind is all over the place this week so I thought it best if the splash pages were all over the place as well. Yowzers! This splash from Hangman #3 is just nasty. Comics.org has Mort Leav and John…
Grading comics allowed for the large and vibrant vintage comic market to expand exponentially. Gone was the worry of missing pages, of undetected restoration, of missed cropping and of buying over graded books. All this had come at a cost…
A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era. Day 34 – Pep Comics #34, Artist – Bob Fujitani. One of the true heavyweight…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Gray, Fujitani, Barry, Gould, Godwin, Caniff.