Origin issues
Like I mentioned in the first post of this column, I’m planning to cover a lot of topics with some being meaty and others a little lighter but still worth discussing. I’m not sure where the Origin Issue falls but…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Like I mentioned in the first post of this column, I’m planning to cover a lot of topics with some being meaty and others a little lighter but still worth discussing. I’m not sure where the Origin Issue falls but…
Black Panther #1, Marvel Comics, November 1998. Last night (January 29, 2018) was the world premiere of the Black Panther movie. The film goes to wide release in North America on February 16 and judging from the comic shop talk…
Fantastic Four Annual #5, Marvel Comics, November 1967 Comic Annuals have been a neglected collecting strain for years now but thanks to the “pick and choose” mentality of the new collectors and investors specific issues, if they can offer up…
Heritage Signature Auction February 18th I watched that Amazing Fantasy #15 auction finish live and it was pretty exciting. I wanted to click “Bid” but there was one too many zero in the price, actually there was more like two…
We are way overdue for more of the Fantastic Four. We will continue where we left off way back in Arcs & Runs #2 with another super run from this team and issues 52 thru issue 60. Marvel may have…
Jungle Action #6, Marvel Comics, September 1973. Fantastic Four #52 (July 1966) featured the 1st appearance of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby's the Black Panther (T’Challa), comicdom’s 1st African American super hero. The Black Panther followed comicdom’s 1st African American hero Lobo, D.J. Arneson’s creation published by Dell Comics a year earlier, click here for my Lobo post.
After 16 issues, David Liss' "Black Panther" run comes to an end with #529. This week CBD's Andrew Ardizzi reviews the final of the arc.
Oh look, a Batman cover from Francesco Francavilla in that retro pulp style of his. Very nice. What’s that? It’s a Black Panther cover for issue 529? Wow: DC, get that lawyer patrol on the case. And why is Black…
Two Items of Awesomeness Through TUMBLR! First we Have Dan Hipp (Amazing Joy Buzzards and Gyakushu!) showing us what Shadowlands could have been had it not been hampered by Billy Tan’s art. And then the lovely Gail Simone lets us…
A rose called by any other name wouldn’t be as sweet. Yet that seems to be what Marvel is up to. With Daredevil #512 last week, it will be the final issue (at least for now) to feature the renowned…
We’re going to take a little departure from the usual format here. I’ve kept mum on the most part about Shadowland mostly due to the sheer volume of titles published since the story began in July. That’s especially the case…
So, let’s take a small perusal of just what looks good to me from Marvel’s Solicitations for December. ULTIMATE COMICS DOOM #1 (of 4) Written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS Penciled by RAFA SANDOVAL Cover by BRYAN HITCH Variant Cover by…