Nice Cakes
Back in February 2011 I put up a Pick Five post on Birthday Cakes. I had all but forgotten just how marevelous the idea of comic book themed cakes were until I walked past the Cantor Bakery (Gateaux Montreal) booth at…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Back in February 2011 I put up a Pick Five post on Birthday Cakes. I had all but forgotten just how marevelous the idea of comic book themed cakes were until I walked past the Cantor Bakery (Gateaux Montreal) booth at…
Good Work on the lunchboxes Scott. I prefer the Wonder Woman lunchbox myself. Welcome to the second installment of Pick Five, where one of our writers picks five of whatever comic related “fill in the blank” that tickles their fancy.…