Tag Beta Ray Bill

Burlington Toy Show – June 1, 2014

Yesterday I attended the summer edition of the Burlington Toy Show (presented by RPG Events). This edition of the BTS featured a wide variety vendors selling all sorts of toys and collectibles from new to vintage classic toys.

Actually... a lot of vintage and classic toys. There seems to be a trend at the local toy show circuit of late 80's/early 90's toys making an appearance. I have been finding more and more C.O.P.S., Dick Tracy and MASK toys. Dick Tracy wasn't as popular as expected in the 90's, but the toys are very stylistic and cool. Plus you can collect the complete series of figures right now at various shows, for as little as $5 each.

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Meet Beta Ray Bill: Thor 337-340

Thanks to Walter Simonson every time I see a horse my mind invariably drifts to a super hero with a similar appearance and many of the same qualities of those Clydesdales - Beta Ray Bill. Walt Simonson’s critically acclaimed run on Thor ran from issue #337 thru issue #382. He started with this Beta Ray Bill story and followed it up with the introduction of Malekith the Accursed Ruler of the Dark Elves (issue #344), who was the villain in the second Thor movie. Not a bad way to start your new job! Simonson’s run really breathed new life into this title and the many accolades he received are justified.

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