Tag Before Watchmen

Before Watchmen

What do we think so far? I’ve enjoyed trying to pick holes in the continuity and I’ve also taken some pleasure in the head-aches that must have been inflicted upon the likes of DiDio and Lee, not to mention Cooke,…

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The Comedian #1

On the heels of its first two Before Watchmen titles, Minute Men and Silk Spectre, last week DC released the third entry in its set of prequel stories plotted before Alan Moore's infamous Watchmen series. The Comedian follows suit comparably to the previous Before Watchmen books in their portrayal of the principal characters' lives leading into Moore's work, and while each has added considerable layers to pre-existing elements of the plot and the respective character histories, inevitably they suffer from the same affliction inherent to the premise of these tales

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Silk Spectre #1

The doomsday clock has finally struck midnight and the Watchmen prequels are finally upon us. From general observations it would seem nuclear war didn't accompany the release of the first issue of Cooke's Minute Men mini-series, nor has a similar catastrophic event occurred upon the release of Silk Spectre #1. Aimed to expand the past leading up to Alan Moore's seminal Watchmen, a number of creators have thrown their names into the figurative, perhaps literal, fire of fan's scorn upon attaching themselves to these projects, including Watchmen editor Len Wein who provides the Curse of the Crimson Corsair back-up story.

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Retailer Q | #9: DC’s New 52 Six Months In

Welcome to Retailer Q, spinning 52Q’s format at top Canadian comic retailers. Comic Book Daily asks the question and our retail friends give their perspective.

DC's New 52 is six months old, titles have been cancelled and new titles announced; all in all a resounding success. As retailers are you seeing sales of DC's titles sinking back to pre-relaunch numbers? Are you selling more DC titles than you were before the relaunch? How does DC's future look from this point on?

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