Covered 365: Day 211
House Of Mystery #211, DC, February 1973. Artist: Bernie Wrightson. About 100 days ago I commented that we were heading into Cole Country (L.B. Cole). I didn’t want one artist to hijack the post so I excluded his covers for…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
House Of Mystery #211, DC, February 1973. Artist: Bernie Wrightson. About 100 days ago I commented that we were heading into Cole Country (L.B. Cole). I didn’t want one artist to hijack the post so I excluded his covers for…
Famous Funnies #210, Four Color, February 1954. Artist: Frank Frazetta. I’m on a 1-week vacation up in beautiful northern Ontario but will continue delivering our daily dose of covers! Thank god for Wi-Fi. Just bear with my sporadic responses this…
Avengers #200, Marvel Comics, October 1980. Artist: George Perez. Here we are at another milestone, Day 200! This project has been so eye-opening, making me look at all covers way more closely than I did in the past. DC Comics…
Worlds Finest #198, DC Comics, November 1970. Artist: Kurt Swan. World’s Finest #198 is the cover I’d want to look at the longest today and thus it takes top prize for Day #198. Nice to see Kurt Swan get the…
Batman #194, DC Comics, August 1967. Artist: Carmine Infantino and Murphy Anderson. I picked Batman #194 for the same reason I picked Flash #174, I really like the way the Batman banner works visually, big fun impact. I met Erik…
Batman #189, DC Comics, February 1967. Artist: Carmine Infantino. The Scarecrow is one of those great villains that always seems to produce standout covers, Carmine Infantino does a nice job reintroducing the Scarecrow! Wonder Woman has the rare honour (I…
Detective Comics #184, DC Comics, June 1952. Artist: Win Mortimer. Revisiting some popular past Covered 365 themes with today’s books. First lets see what lies at the end of the Rainbow, how about a great Win Mortimer Detective #184 delivering…
Batman #200, DC Comics, March 1968. Here’s another pick I’ve had in queue for a while. The book got hot decades ago but since then it’s kind of hung around worth something because people just assumed it should be. Well,…
Detective Comics, DC, February 1952. Artist: Win Mortimer. Win Mortimer adds another cover to his impressive list with a cool Joker scene on Detective Comics #180. I really like the aesthetics and simplicity of Four Color #180, sadly I’ve always…
Wonder Woman #178, DC Comics, Sept/Oct 1968, Artist: Mike Sekowsky. That power pose on the cover of Wonder Woman #178 signaled a new beginning, cover after cover of an empowered Wonder Woman taking charge and kicking butt. Too bad it…
Batman #171, DC Comics, May 1965, Artist: Carmine Infantino . Carmine Infantino’s cover to Batman #171 is recognizable from across the convention floor, such a standout, I’ve owned a few but I’ll always remember seeing a copy in Boston maybe 20…
Detective Comics #168, DC Comics, February 1951, Artist: Lew Sayre Schwartz . For me it was a close race between the winner Detective Comics #168 by Lew Schwartz and the runner up Daredevil Comics #168 (pic below) by Frank Miller and…
Detective Comics #164, DC, October 1950 – Artist: Win Mortimer. Finally a runaway winner. With Detective Comics #164 Win Mortimer whips up a classic Batman and Robin cover that’s seen renewed demand in this cover crazy market. I’m telling you…
Robin #162, DC, July 2007 – Artist: Patrick Gleason. Robin #162 gives us a striking image that works beautifully aesthetically, I really like the way this cover turned out. Mighty Mouse gives us another cool cover this time with robots!…
Detective Comics #153, DC Comics, November 1949 – Artist: Dick Sprang. I know I covered this as a Spotlight pick a while back but it is a fantastic Dick Sprang cover and it has to win the day. Detective Comics…
Justice League #148, DC Comics, November 1977 – Artist: Rich Buckler. I’ve always liked Rich Buckler and actually have a friend named Vince that used to ghost for Rich back in the 1970s, Vince helped Rich draw FF #161 and…
Detective Comics #130, DC Comics, December 1947 – Artist: Bob Kane. I remember buying this at the 2017 NYCC, I picked it up for a friend named Tony who loved the cover and loved the story told inside. Tony had…
Detective Comics #102, DC Comics, August 1945 – Artist: Dick Sprang. A striking cover with great colors, the Joker, Batman and Robin and that awe inspiring Big Logo Detective mast. X-Men #102 had a strong cover as did Amazing Spider-Man…
Brave and the Bold #91 – DC Comics, August/September 1970 – Artist: Nick Cardy (pencils and inks). So I actually spent time looking for some lame blank sketch variant #91 as my April Fools post, when I could not find…
A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era. Detective Comics #73 – DC Comics, March 1943 – Artist: Bob Kane with Jerry Robinson…