Pump Up The Volume
I’ve noticed more and more good books becoming available to me locally but they are all being offered at current market or above, not many deals to be had. I’m sensing a lot of people are taking stock of their…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
I’ve noticed more and more good books becoming available to me locally but they are all being offered at current market or above, not many deals to be had. I’m sensing a lot of people are taking stock of their…
Hi folks, welcome to ARCHIE G’s. I’m your waiter, Raoul. Here at ARCHIE G’s, we don’t think you can make a dependable Pull List decision based on the first serving of a comic. Publishers throw everything they’ve got at a…
Here's the second 75th anniversary Batman short for the Cartoon Network's DC Nation: this time Darywn Cooke returns to Batman Beyond.
DC comics’ executive editor Dan Didio delivered a dynamic duo of tidbits to Batman fans at Friday’s DC Nation panel. Opening the panel, Didio asked fans what they thought about the direction Batman titles have taken recently. Many applauded DC’s…
Writer: Adam Beechen Artist: Ryan Benjamin Inks: John Stanisci Colourist: David Baron Beechen and company are back again with another installment in their Batman Beyond story, featuring the polarizing Bat-villain known as Hush. What does this issue have in store…
Writer: Adam Beechen Artists: Ryan Benjamin and John Stanisci And so the legend grows. Years ago a cartoon featuring a new Batman with an elderly Bruce Wayne as his advisor made its debut on cartoon networks. The series starred a…
Pfft, Okay, everyone knows that headlines should be written by poets not film school drop outs so don’t judge me for this one. But I come bearing gifts – fresh from today’s Toronto Fan Expo’s DC Universe Panel DC’s biggest…