Team Work
This week Chris and Walt talk about teams, what makes a good comic book team, why do some teams work and other teams not? The boys explore the world of comic book teams. Please let us know what you thought…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
This week Chris and Walt talk about teams, what makes a good comic book team, why do some teams work and other teams not? The boys explore the world of comic book teams. Please let us know what you thought…
Four Color #344, Dell Comics, August 1951, Artist: Morris Gollub. Day #344 gave us two quality covers and this far in I’ll take that as a good day. Morris Gollub’s intense cover to Four Color #344 wins hands down! The…
Archie Comics #334, Archie Comics, March 1985. Artist: Dan DeCarlo. A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era. OK let me explain, there…
Fantastic Four #330, Marvel Comics, September 1989. Artist: Rich Buckler. A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era. Day 330 was disappointing, I…
House of Mystery #318, DC Comics, July 1973. Artist: Mike Kaluta. It was tough to pick a winner for Day 318, there were some good covers but not one was great. I went with Mike Kaluta’s cover to House of…
Avengers #303, Marvel Comics, May 1989. Artist: John Buscema. I’m such a John Buscema fanboy, I saw his cover to Avengers #303 and it sent me back to that late 60s style of his that produced so many classic covers.…
Avengers #80, Marvel Comics, September 1970. Avengers #80 features the first appearance of Red Wolf, a Native American hero with mystic powers, and his wolf companion Lobo. William Talltrees, son of Cheyenne tribal leader Thomas Talltrees, was the first Red…
Incredible Hulk #250, Marvel Comics, August 1980, Artist: Al Milgrom. I mentioned this in the comments of Day 248 but I thought I’d put it in the body of the post for the big Day 250. With the cover selections…
Avengers #223, Marvel Comics, September 1982. Artist: Ed Hannigan. For you guys that follow the Undervalued Spotlight you might have suspected I would pick this. Ed Hannigan’s cover is awesome, Nuff said. Nice to see Andy Warhol do a cover…
Batman #221, DC Comics, May 1970. Artist: Neal Adams. I thought Batman #221 was the runaway winner today (I should have used that line on a Flash win). This is quality stuff from old Neal. I have a feeling we’ll…
Avengers: The Initiative Annual #1, Marvel Comics, 2007. Vacation week for me so I thought I’d throw in a nice light bite-sized pick to help keep the holiday pounds off me. We were talking about Marvel’s Secret Invasion mini-series at…
Four Color #204, Eastern Color, December 1948. Artist: Paul Norris. Blame that gorgeous blue fade. Before anyone gives me any flack have a look at the covers below and tell me you wouldn’t want the Four Color #204 at the…
Avengers #200, Marvel Comics, October 1980. Artist: George Perez. Here we are at another milestone, Day 200! This project has been so eye-opening, making me look at all covers way more closely than I did in the past. DC Comics…
Avengers #187, Marvel Comics, September 1979. Artist: John Byrne. I lined up a bunch of great covers including House of Mystery #186 and Amazing Spider-Man #186 but none were as visually impactful as John Byrne’s great cover to Avengers #187. Superman…
Avengers #185, Marvel Comics, July 1979. Artist: George Perez. There was a lot to like on Day #185, tops on my list is Perez’s powerful rendering on Avengers #185. I can’t seem to get enough Gil Kane lately, have a…
X-Men #9, Marvel Comics, January 1965. This is a Spotlight I’ve had lined up for well over a year and yet for some reason I’ve been slow to post it. Now I actually may be a couple of months late…
Avengers #87 – Marvel Comics, August 1959 – Artist: John Buscema. Another striking cover from the mighty, mighty John Buscema. A few days ago I was lamenting how hard it was finding a cover, today I’m lamenting how hard it…
Avengers #78 – Marvel Comics, July 1970 – Artist: John Buscema. The mighty mighty John Buscema at it again, I love this cover. A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in…
What’s this!? Avengers #55 – Undervalued Spotlight #142 Revisited? Huddleston trampling all over one of Walter’s best Undervalued pics of all time in the Overvalued Overstreet? In today’s Overvalued Overstreet we will look at some of those “hot” must have…
Jack Kirby would be celebrating his 100th birthday this year, today in fact, and as deserved it’s a comic book celebration. I started collecting comics in 1980 and lucked into finding a great back issue resource at a local flea…