My Thoughts On Fan Expo 2012
Well Fan Expo has wrapped up for another year, and I like most of you are tired and beat up from the weekend. It was long. It was hard work. But it was a lot of fun. I think this…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Well Fan Expo has wrapped up for another year, and I like most of you are tired and beat up from the weekend. It was long. It was hard work. But it was a lot of fun. I think this…
Marvel Comics announced two new titles for its CrossGen imprint slated for release in the near future. In December, CrossGen will be the home to a new Kiss Kiss Bang Bang four-issue limited series, featuring star writer Peter Milligan at the helm.…
Marvel announced a new title at their X-Men panel at Fan Expo on Aug. 27. A hush overwhelmed the crowd as Arune Singh, Marvel’s director of communications, asked that the room’s lights be dimmed, directing the crowd’s attention to the…
I managed to catch the “It’s your Marvel panel” on Sunday at 1pm. Surprisingly or maybe not surprisingly since the Shatner panel was going on at the same time, the room was barely half full of Marvel Zombies waiting to…
When and Where: Saturday August 28, 2010 @ 3:30pm; Room 206c, Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC) Before I move onto the announcements, I have to congratulate CB Cebulski on his thirteenth consecutive appearance at Fan Expo Canada. CB (who is…
X-Men fans gathered after a long day at the Con to find out what the future holds for their favourite mutants, and they weren’t disappointed. Joined by Senior Vice President C.B. Cebulski and creators Whilce Portacio, Valentino DeLandro and Leonard…
Fan Expo is absolutely crazy. Usually Friday is the dead day, the day that you don’t have to worry as much about the crowds. This was definitely not the case. Luckily it’s Canadian comic crowds so everyone is really nice,…