Tag Anthony Del Col

Kill Shakespeare: Tide of Blood #5

With this second act completed, the best is yet to come from Del Col, McCreery and Belanger. Their story continues to evolve and ripen, improving with each new issue. A hallmark of the series has been the creators' willingness to take chances with their work, a philosophy that has paid dividends for them and has resulted in an overwhelmingly fantastic comic that only gets better as it develops. Belanger has been an integral piece of the entire journey, giving Del Col and McCreery's words visual weight, combining together to tell a complete story that continues to be the prologue to greater things.

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Kill Shakespeare #2

Kill Shakespeare: Tide of Blood #2

Kill Shakespeare at no point has wavered in its quality prior to this second issue, a trend that has continued with its release. The series has been consistently excellent, founded on the creative trifecta of Del Col, McCreery and Belanger -- the three continue to offer twists and intrigue that spell the marks of a great comic. Kill Shakespeare: Tide of Blood is everything the original series was, only made better with the experience and evolution of the creators behind the title.

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Beginning’s end bittersweet for ‘Kill Shakespeare’ creators

Life could be perceived as a series of acts, each of us living out the drama of our lives in a microcosm of the whole day in and day out. Existence is a play, with each component of the greater story being told a piece at a time; before we know it, the curtains close on a chapter of life and the crowd disperses for intermission, anticipating the next part of the story.

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Kill Shakespeare #11

Kill Shakespeare has been a hugely successful book over the last year. With the penultimate issue, the battle for Shakespeare's life and the world of the Bard is coming to a head in the final battle. Lines are drawn and alliances are solidified as the series moves closer towards its conclusion. Onward!

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