Tag Ant Man

Prototype Issues

One of my favourite genres of comic collecting is the Atlas/Marvel pre-super-hero monster books from the 1950’s and early 1960’s. They featured a lot of Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko artwork. The stories were simple, fun, and entertaining. The litany…

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Undervalued Spotlight #201

Marvel Premiere #47, Marvel Comics, April 1979. This comic features the 1st appearance of the 2nd Ant-Man (Scott Lang).

Yeah, sure, measured against the Overstreet Price Guide’s assessment of $35 for a 9.2 grade this is an obvious pick. Marvel Premiere #47 has certainly grown hot over the past year and as of this post is getting about $120 for graded 9.2 copies and $190 for graded 9.4s.

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Undervalued Spotlight #49

Early Marvel Keys are one of the most collected group of comic books in the hobby. A hobby wide consensus regarding a book's status as a legitimate Marvel key is enough to send it's value way up. The Tales to Astonish title had already given us Hank Pym, the Ant-Man a year and a half earlier. In Tales to Astonish issue #44 Janet van Dyne becomes...

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