Ghost Rider #8
With the movie's release in sight, Marvel commissioned a new Ghost Rider series to bring the rider of vengeance back into our hands. This week CBD takes a look at issue eight of the series.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
With the movie's release in sight, Marvel commissioned a new Ghost Rider series to bring the rider of vengeance back into our hands. This week CBD takes a look at issue eight of the series.
Schism is over and the X-Men are left fractured. The only question left is, who stays on Utopia and who moves back to New York to help rebuild the mansion and the school with Wolverine?
Writer: Gregg Hurwitz Artist: Juan Jose Ryp Colourist: Andres Mossa Letterer: Joe Caramagna Cover: Francesco Mattina Split personalities, post-traumatic stress disorder and vigilantism. Couple that with a history as a mercenary, and a fighting prowess rivaling that of Batman, and…