Tag Amazing Spider-Man


Spider-Man has always had one of comic’s best rogues’ galleries. Filled with the iconic and the absurd, the villains range from the unforgettable to the laughable. It is always a treat to be collecting a book at the time when…

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The Goblin War!

For some readers today, it might be hard to imagine that once upon a time Todd McFarlane was the top artist in the industry and not just a toy company mogul or occasional cover artist. But he was huge. Highly…

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Review: Amazing Spider-Man 2

The summer of superhero sequels rages on with Amazing Spider-Man 2. Personally, I would have pushed for the title Spectacular Spider-Man but, surprisingly, I was not involved in the making of this film for asked for my opinion at any juncture. Perhaps for the inevitable 3 entry into the series. Oh, and if you haven't seen it yet: spoiler alert and read no further.

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Beep Beep & Beep Beep Yeah!

Now my Mom and Dad knew I had ordered some comics by mail order and weren't too pleased about it. They thought I spent $20, when in actuality I had spent $200 or so in US funds.

The package was about 10 inches high and had been strapped together between cardboard and wrapped again in brown wrapping paper. The corners were somewhat torn and slightly blunted but the contents were intact.

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