Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Speculating Ads
One of the biggest social issues is the prevalence of advertising and how much it influences us, if at all. John Kenneth Galbraith is the philosopher, economist and critic who coined the term “conventional wisdom” in his highly influential and…
Web Arted July 3rd
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days.
Review | Jack Kirby Kamandi The Last Boy On Earth Artist’s Edition Vol 1
The 3rd Fourth World Artist’s Edition, Jack Kirby Kamandi The Last Boy On Earth Artist’s Edition Vol 1 is another must-have volume of this artist’s work. Jack Kirby’s most beloved creation is now an extraordinary Artist’s Edition, collecting six complete…
Time Capsule: Eclipse Extra! No. 17, May 1986
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time Eclipse Extra! No. 17, May 1986. Early Eclipse here, with World Of Wood and Champions premiering, along with Miracleman 9 and Scout 7.
Undervalued Spotlight #247
Captain Fearless Comics #1, Helnit Publishing (Holyoke), August 1941 Happy Canada Day fellow Canadians. Since I blew the wad early and picked Captain Canuck #9 as my Spotlight a mere two weeks ago I thought it would be kind of…
Paul Dini
52 weeks. 52 different writers. 2 trade paperbacks or hardcovers a week. Each week I’ll take a look at a different writer and read two different collected editions from within that person’s repertoire to help in the examination of their…
Web Arted June 26th
Saying Goodbye to Clark, Andrew, and Jughead
“Dear Doc Curmudgeon” is a column by Clint McElroy made up of completely fabricated responses to mostly fabricated questions. But you knew that due to your discerning nature and brilliant mind which would never fall for a columnist trying to…
Justice League: Gods And Monsters Trailer
Store Layout & Merchandising
Time Capsule: X-Men Mutant Trivia Book 1990
Undervalued Spotlight #246
Detective Comics #327, DC Comics, May 1964 With all the changes comic book characters go through these days it’s hard to imagine a time when concepts, costumes and even title logos changed little over decades. This week’s Undervalued Spotlight pick…
Bravo for Adventure!
Alex Toth is without a doubt one of the most versatile artists ever to grace the pages of the comic book industry. His incredible ability to tell a story in any genre, whether it was western, romance, horror or anything…
Jeff Lemire
When the New 52 rolled around for DC Comics, the comic publisher used the relaunching of all of their comic related properties to instill from fresh blood into most of their series. Jeff Lemire would spearhead the relaunching of Animal…
Web Arted June 19th
Fantastic Four 52-60
We are way overdue for more of the Fantastic Four. We will continue where we left off way back in Arcs & Runs #2 with another super run from this team and issues 52 thru issue 60. Marvel may have…
Comic Culture June 17th 2015
This week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija talk comics with producer Shekky Feldstein. So kick back, relax and enjoy this week’s Comic Culture. Oh, and please, please make sure you go out and support your local comic book…
Time Capsule: Mighty Marvel holiday Wish List 1990
Canadian Comics Corner Launch Party
Courtesy of our friends at Comix Asylum, here is a video covering the unveiling of Big B Comics Niagara’s Canadian Comics Corner. CBD’s own Walter and Ivan are interviewed, so pay attention!
Undervalued Spotlight #245
Tales of Suspense #32, Marvel Comics, August 1962 Tales to Astonish #27’s “The Man in the Ant Hill” story came out in January of 1962. It of course introduced Hank Pym and was a fan favorite right from the get…