Slabbing: The Results are In
It was a year ago that I went hunting for deals during Boxing Day. I end up with a handful of cheap keys, all purchased under $5. One of the books that I picked up, Adventure into Fear #19, was…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
It was a year ago that I went hunting for deals during Boxing Day. I end up with a handful of cheap keys, all purchased under $5. One of the books that I picked up, Adventure into Fear #19, was…
52 weeks. 52 different writers. 2 trade paperbacks or hardcovers a week. Each week I’ll take a look at a different writer and read two different collected editions from within that person’s repertoire to help in the examination of their…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Anderson, Wrightson, Green, Poplaski, Trimpe, Kane, Sutton.
IDW Publishing is pleased to offer under license from our good friends at Marvel Comics the first Star Wars Artifact Edition! Featuring scans of original art mainly from the initial 10 issues of Marvel Comics’ groundbreaking Star Wars comics, as…
Happy New Year! This week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija talk comic stuff with producer Shekky Feldstein. So sit back, relax and enjoy this week’s Comic Culture. Oh, and please, please make sure you go out and…
Best books of 2015 as chosen by me. This only includes works published in 2015 and read by your truly. Yes, it's a completely biased list based on my own tastes, but aren't all "best of" lists?
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time Dark Horse Insider Vol 1 No 28, December 1991.
More Fun Comics #17, DC Comics, January 1937 Happy New Year everyone. I wanted to start off 2016 by being topical, by righting a wrong and by fulfilling the mission of the Spotlight, all in one book. I couldn’t get…
52 weeks. 52 different writers. 2 trade paperbacks or hardcovers a week. Each week I’ll take a look at a different writer and read two different collected editions from within that person’s repertoire to help in the examination of their…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Wood, McWilliams, Windsor-Smith, Wiacek, Heck, Adkins, Anderson.
Comic book retail in the 1990s was very different. Due to a vast distribution system there was a relatively low start up cost, and it seemed that anyone and everyone was opening up a shop with little more than a…
We continue our look at Bronze Age Hulk with Part 2 of this forty issue run. There are some similarities to the first twenty issues. The Hulk fights the Rhino/Abomination combo once again, and we have return trips to Counter-Earth…
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time Dark Horse Insider Vol 1 No 27, November 1991.
House of Mystery #175, DC Comics, July/August 1968 Undervalued Spotlight fan Todd emailed me a while ago with a great suggestion. Todd asked what I thought of House of Mystery #175 and I said I loved the book, with #174…
52 weeks. 52 different writers. 2 trade paperbacks or hardcovers a week. Each week I’ll take a look at a different writer and read two different collected editions from within that person’s repertoire to help in the examination of their…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Mignola, Meskin, Kirby, Rubinstein, Miki, Quesada, Hernandez, Buscema.
From all of us at Comic Book Daily, we wish our readers a very Merry Christmas, comic book style!
Miracleman was launched 30 years ago in the now legendary Warrior magazine. It turned the concept of “super-hero” on its ear with big ideas that helped redefine an entire genre… when Miracleman fought Kid Miracleman on the streets of London……
No, you haven’t stumbled into a financial website on your way to the latest comic tips and reviews. Unfortunately it’s still about money, and like most discussions involving it, it’s bad news. For the better part of the last decade…
Here we are just a couple of days before Christmas and just over a week from the start of 2016 which will commemorate the 75th anniversary of the very first Canadian comic book proper, Better Comics Vol. 1 No. 1 (March, 1941),…
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time Dark Horse Insider Vol 1 No 26, October 1991.