Web Arted Apr 29th
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Foster, Colan, Craig, Williamson, Ditko, Wood, Byrne.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Foster, Colan, Craig, Williamson, Ditko, Wood, Byrne.
In today’s installment of “The First Six” we will take a look at the start of The Mighty Thor in the Journey Into Mystery title. About a month ago I was researching Marvels early beginnings and use of Norse Mythology…
While interviewing Nancy Lee, the niece of Doris Slater, a couple of years ago, a family anecdote she shared with me has stuck in my mind. Doris’ older sister, Minnie, was married to Ted McCall, a long time editor at…
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time DC Direct Currents 34 November 1990. Books Of Magic, Robin, World Without End, Batman: The Dailies, plus interviews with Chuck Dixon and Tom Lyle.
Amazing Adventures #1, Marvel Comics, June 1961 I’ve had this book in my “Future Spotlights” file for years. I’m not really sure why I haven’t wrote it up until now, but it simply can’t wait any longer. This week I…
IDW, in cooperation with MARVEL Comics, proudly presents WALTER SIMONSON’S THE MIGHTY THOR: ARTIST”S EDITION, collecting seven complete issues of Simonson’s Transcendent run on The Mighty Thor, including the groundbreaking first arc that introduced Beta Ray Bill. Each page is…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Frazetta, Kirby, Stone, Sienkiewicz, Windsor-Smith, Buscema, Ayers, Sinnott.
What can be said about Jack Kirby that hasn’t already been said? Probably nothing. Certainly not by me. I never met the man. However…I have been a fan for almost fifty years and have marvelled at the many different seasons of his staggering…
Courtesy of IDW comes this preview of Al Williamson's Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Artist's Edition.
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time DC Direct Currents 33 October 1990. Batman in 3-D, Swamp Thing: Love and Death, Who’s Who Binder, The Greatest 1950’s Stories Ever Told, plus interviews with Roger Stern, Jerry Ordway and Dan…
Amazing Spider-Man #72, Marvel Comics, May 1969 It’s crazy times in the collectible comic book market. Prices are hitting records on multiple fronts, in multiple genres and in multiple eras. You pretty well need a loan to buy any comic…
EC Comics produced what is arguably the finest line of comics ever, and of all their titles, the horror books were the most popular. And the most acclaimed of the horror artists was Graham “Ghastly” Ingels, whose particular talents influenced…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Colan, Tartaglione, Buscema, Buscema, E.C. Segar, Kirby, Stone, Frazetta.
Our Overvalued featured book today is Iron Man #1. I think this book is one of the most grossly overvalued books of Marvel’s Silver age. I personally think there hasn’t been a more overvalued Marvel comic since this was…
This week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija join producer Shekky Feldstein to talk comic talk. So just kick back, relax and enjoy this week’s Comic Culture. Oh, and please, please make sure you go out and support…
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time DC Direct Currents 31 August 1990. Batman: A Lonely Place Of Dying, Swamp Thing, Ms. Tree, plus an interview with Grant Morrison.
Spectacular Spider-Man #98, Marvel Comics, January 1985 We were discussing the Undervalued Spotlight at the shop yesterday and I was floating around a few of the books I had in mind for this week’s installment. Thankfully our resident comic book…
The online market has turned many collectors into dealers who prefer to focus solely on the more lucrative first appearance of popular characters, adding to the competition for “key” books. But unless you have access to a stockpile of “key”…
For a century readers around the world have started the day with King Features comics in their daily newspapers and now on their digital devices. This first-ever compendium celebrates those 100 years with more than 600 fantastic images! Popeye! Flash…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Romita, Giacoia, Ross, Lee, Kirby, Everett, Sienkiewicz.
One of the most ignored Marvel Comics of the Silver Age is Daredevil. Oh he gets a lot of attention for the Frank Miller years, and the “darkening” of the character, Bullseye, Elektra and the Kingpin . But before this…