Heroes of the Home Front and Gerald Lazare
First bit of news is that the Heroes of the Home Front Kickstarter went live on Labour Day and will run through to October 4th. Let’s see if we can pull this thing off! Take a look when you have…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
First bit of news is that the Heroes of the Home Front Kickstarter went live on Labour Day and will run through to October 4th. Let’s see if we can pull this thing off! Take a look when you have…
Tim Holt #11 & #17 Published by Magazine Enterprises. It is double your pleasure today on the Undervalued Spotlight featuring the original Ghost Ride circa 1949-1955. Let’s get to it. The creation of the original Ghost Rider was rather unique.…
Another year, another Fan Expo. Like most of this decade, I hummed and hawed about going. In the end I decided it was worth the trip as my nine-year old son John hadn’t been before; he’s been to all the…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: King, Reinman, Willard, Barry, Kubert.
Arcs & Runs #52. This is the third and final segment of the three- part series on Twins, featuring comic titles that began publishing at the same time and were in many ways bound together. It also fits well with…
Ready to kick off the Kickstarter for my Book on the Bell Features artists called Heroes of the Home Front on or about Labour Day and was fortunate enough to get a write up by Jeff Mahoney in the local…
Pink Panther #1, Gold Key, April 1971. I just noticed the last 11 Spotlights were either Marvel or DC! Time to fix that. This week I thought I’d shine the Undervalued Spotlight on an old favorite of mine, Pink Panther…
Jack Kirby would be celebrating his 100th birthday this year, today in fact, and as deserved it’s a comic book celebration. I started collecting comics in 1980 and lucked into finding a great back issue resource at a local flea…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Godwin, McWilliams, Gray, Willard
Arcs & Runs #52. Our month-long celebration of Jack “King” Kirby’s 100th birthday continues in Arcs & Runs with a look at another one of Kirby’s long running characters the Mighty Thor. Thor has always been one of my favourite characters…
Edward Albert Bushell was probably born in 1917 and probably in B.C. We don’t know much about him except for the comic book work he did for Maple Leaf Publications in Vancouver during the Second World War. His first work…
Silver Surfer #3, Marvel Comics, December 1968 I wanted to feature this book a while ago but when I realized the market was already onto it I held off. Upon some reflection I’ve decided Silver Surfer #3 still has very…
While cities across Canada are hosts to a large number of comics, toys and other collectibles/merchandise shows, in-between, scattered throughout the rural landscape, are antiques markets or smaller antique stores. Often situated on the outskirts of small towns, retrofitted barns…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Jones, Sears, Harris, Clark, Sparking, Hunter, McWilliams.
August 28th would have been Jack Kirby’s 100th birthday. This column is not going to recap his story so much, as there are a ton of articles and celebrations from people that actually knew the man, I only had the pleasure of…
These days we “swipe” to make a purchase. Holding our credit or debit card, we move its encoded magnetic strip through a slot in a portable reader that decodes the digital information embedded in the strip and makes the appropriate…
Action Comics #275, DC Comics, April 1961 Let’s stay with Superman one more week. One of the hottest Silver Age DC’s on the market is Action Comics #242 featuring the 1st appearance of Brainiac and the 1st Lost City of Kandor.…
No one thought he’d ever dare to return. In this African country where the dictatorship has banned all forms of cultural expression, the storyteller named Once-Upon-A-Time has already had a brush with death. For refusing to stop performing his puppet…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Gould, Zeck, Beatty, Golden, Manley.
Arcs & Runs #51. It’s time to take my semi-annual look at another segment of the landmark Kirby-Lee run on the Fantastic Four issues #1-67. We are on segment number five if you are counting (and I am). Early Fantastic…
I often wonder how many WECA (or, if you prefer, Canadian Whites) collectors there are out there? How many of them are outside Canada (in the States, in the UK, in Europe, or even in Australia/New Zealand)? In any case,…