Fan Expo 2017

Another year, another Fan Expo. Like most of this decade, I hummed and hawed about going. In the end I decided it was worth the trip as my nine-year old son John hadn’t been before; he’s been to all the…

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Bert Bushell

Edward Albert Bushell was probably born in 1917 and probably in B.C.  We don’t know much about him except for the comic book work he did for Maple Leaf Publications in Vancouver during the Second World War. His first work…

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Antique Markets

While cities across Canada are hosts to a large number of comics, toys and other collectibles/merchandise shows, in-between, scattered throughout the rural landscape, are antiques markets or smaller antique stores. Often situated on the outskirts of small towns, retrofitted barns…

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Jack Kirby 100

August 28th would have been Jack Kirby’s 100th birthday. This column is not going to recap his story so much, as there are a ton of articles and celebrations from people that actually knew the man, I only had the pleasure of…

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WECA Swipes

These days we “swipe” to make a purchase. Holding our credit or debit card, we move its encoded magnetic strip through a slot in a portable reader that decodes the digital information embedded in the strip and makes the appropriate…

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