Web Arted #325
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Adams, Cardy, Byrne, Wiacek, Buscema, Davis.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Adams, Cardy, Byrne, Wiacek, Buscema, Davis.
Yu Kiang works for a Chinese lumberjack corporation in the Congo. Despite his company’s ban on its employees from frequenting the local girls, Yu has fallen for a Congolese woman, Antoinette… and, in a very different way, for Antoinette’s little…
Marvel Tales #94, Marvel Comics, November 1949. I spend Labor Day labouring with my crew on putting our shop back together after our massive Fan Expo undertaking. Combine a massive 4-day con with a massive 27′ x 32′ island booth…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Salinas, Giffen, Hunt, Ditko, Heck, Williamson, Frazetta.
I start with the preemptive apology acknowledging that this column will be mainly a shameless (but red-faced) self-promotion. For me this has been the “Summer of the Book.” Finished printed copies of my Heroes of the Home Front book arrived…
America’s Best Comics #7, Standard/Better/Nador, October 1943. I want to thank CBD iron man Mike Huddleston for this week’s Guest Spotlight submission. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I love Mike’s Spotlights, his posts ooze knowledge, wisdom…
There is not a hotter bronze-age book on the planet right now than our Overvalued Overstreet book Werewolf by Night #32 featuring the first appearance of the Marvel super-hero Moon Knight. Moon Knight first rode on to the scene via…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Garcia-Lopez, Gibbons, Kirk, Leisten, Kane, Beck.
Jim Starlin was one of the driving creative forces at Marvel Comics in the 1970s and ‘80s. His turns on Warlock, Captain Marvel, and others have laid the groundwork for much of the Marvel Universe for decades. This Artifact Edition will…
I’ll get back to my regular Undervalued Spotlight posts next week. This weekend I spent a lot of time thinking about and discussing a relatively new and exciting segment of the market so I thought I’d put some thoughts down…
Well, it has arrived! Now I am a regular collector of the Artist/Artifact Editions and without a doubt, this is a treasure. It’s hard to not rush through it the first time through, because there is page after page of…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Brown, Sheppard, Stroman, Cirocco, Barreto, Fernandez, Colan.
A collection of beautiful stories featuring some of Jack “King” Kirby’s most iconic and enduring heroes: Captain America, the X-Men, Ant-Man, and Sgt. Fury! Included in this glorious Artist’s Edition are complete stories of each, and all drawn in the…
Adventure Comics #247, DC Comics, April 1958. I’ve never been a big fan of DC’s early Silver Age relaunch books but I’m well aware that I speak to an empty room. The room is empty because everyone is out buying…
This week’s Overvalued Spotlight is shining a long-running and much-loved Silver Age title Sugar and Spike. This title pretty much ran the entire length of the silver age of comics. March/April 1956 through November 1971. The first issue of Sugar…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Barreto, Fernandez, Cowan, Sienkiewicz, Perez, Timm, Colan, Palmer.
From the people who bring you the Eisner Award-winning Artist’s Edition series, comes the next Artist’s Edition portfolio: the legendary G.I. JOE Year Book #2 by Michael Golden. The cover and all 22 interior pages are all presented here on…
Amazing Spider-Man #102, Marvel Comics, November 1971. Bronze baby, bronze! Thanks to last week’s post I’m all stoked for Marvel Bronze Age so I found another nice bite-sized book that would look good in everyone’s collection, actually I think it’s…
There was a thread on byrnerobotics.com over the last few weeks that generated a ton of excitement in followers of John Byrne. The question came up asking if you could you go back to Marvel and pencil for somebody else to…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Williams III, Sale, Nowlan, Golden, Cirocco, Austin.
Drawn by two of the greatest comic book legends, Jack Kirby and Gil Kane, this is an art-sized, hardcover collection of the ‘long lost’, previously unpublished comic books based on the cult classic 1967 British TV show, The Prisoner. The…