Undervalued Spotlight #447
Airboy #5, Eclipse Comics, September 1986. I was talking to a pal recently about how great an artist Dave Stevens was. Mr. Stevens died way too early at the age of 52 back in 2008. He did leave a lasting…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Airboy #5, Eclipse Comics, September 1986. I was talking to a pal recently about how great an artist Dave Stevens was. Mr. Stevens died way too early at the age of 52 back in 2008. He did leave a lasting…
Thor #147, Marvel Comics, February 1967 – Artist: Jack Kirby. Jack Kirby is an artist we sometimes take too much for granted. The King was a master of motion as is evident in this great battle scene. Throw in some…
Famous Funnies #146, Eastern Color, September 1946 – Artist: Stephen Douglas. Thanks to Bud Plant educating us back in the comments of Day 132 I’m pumped about this great Stephen Douglas cover featuring the Invisible Scarlet O’Niell. Jet black cover…
Captain America #145, Marvel Comics, January 1972 – Artist: John Romita. The bone white background makes high grade high gloss copies of Captain America #144 just pop. I really like Romita’s composition here too. Spooky #144 has a fun cover…
Girl’s Romances #144, DC Comics, October 1971, Artist – Nick Cardy Incredible Hulk #144, Marvel Comics, October 1971, Artist – Herb Trimpe I’m excited to announce Covered 365’s 1st tie! I just could not pick a winner here so I…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Wunder, Young, Messick, Barry, Tuthill.
Adventure Comics #143, DC Comics, August 1949 – Artist: John Sikela. I’m not even sure why this cover works so well but it really draws me in. I’m not familiar with John Sikela as an artist but this cover has…
X-Men #142, Marvel Comics, February 1981 – Artist: Terry Austin. I’ve always been blown away by this depiction of Wolverine getting blown away! And how do you not want to read it when it says “This Issue: Everyone Dies!” Four…
Amazing Spider-Man #141, Marvel Comics, February 1975 – Artist: John Romita. You guys snubbed me on Day 139 for a cover featuring Scooby’s villains well I’m here to redeem myself with a great John Romita Spidey cover featuring a nice…
Four Color Comics #46, Eastern Color, June 1944. This week’s Undervalued Spotlight was again inspired by my current Covered, 365 project. It’s been an eye-opening experience and as the days roll by certain trains of thought take me away and…
Adventure Comics #140, DC Comics, May 1949 – Artist: Win Mortimer. I wasn’t sure if Adventure Comics #140 was going to get the JOWA or the headline but in the end I decided I really like this cover, the deep…
I recently picked up Ron Garney’s Daredevil run from 2016. I like his stuff. I think my favourite work was his “Men of Wrath ” 5 issue mini-series. It opened my eyes to what he was capable of doing. Great…
Scooby-Doo!, DC Comics, February 2009 – Artist: Robert Pope. Whoa! Sensory overload, all my favorite scary villains on a cover of Scooby Doo, Creeper is still my all time fave. I was gonna pick House of Secrets #139 and I…
Spawn #138, Image Comics, September 2004 – Artist: Greg Capullo. I’ve always been a sucker for wraparound covers and Capullo’s work on Spawn #138 is fantastic. What sent me over the top was the foreground shell casings, I mean come…
X-Men #137, Marvel Comics, September 1980 – Artist: John Byrne. X-Men #137 is our first offering from Mr. Byrne I believe, it’s such a striking cover and my favorite from the Dark Phoenix Saga run. The only cover that should…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Beatty, Zeck, Colan, Palmer, Rubinstein, Buscema, Gulacy, Weeks, Nolan, Janson.
Tomahawk #136, DC Comics, September/October 1971 – Artist: Joe Kubert. Joe is on the board, our first Kubert cover! Tomahawk #136 earns the spot because it tackles the heavy social scar of slavery in America. Very striking and arresting cover.…
A monstrous sea serpent is terrorizing the Fjördland, destroying one fishing boat after another, eating all on board, and keeping the Vikings from going on their pillaging expeditions. All hope seems lost until a stranger with a dark past and…
Every week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija talk the comic book talk. So kick back, relax and enjoy this week’s Comic Culture. Oh, and please make sure you go out and support your local comic book shop.…
Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #135, DC Comics, January 1971 – Artist: Neal Adams. For me was a three way tie between Jimmy Olsen #135, Four Color #135 with that beautiful blue background and Amazing Spider-Man #135, I looked at all…
House of Secrets #134, DC Comics, August 1975 – Artist: Ernie Chan. August 1975 must have been a great month for covers, if you remember our Day #94 was August 1975’s X-Men #94. This Ernie Chan offering is outstanding giving…