Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.

Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Galloway Park – Episode 10
Galloway Park is a tale of political intrigue and suspense. Weekly episodes are written and drawn by Dennis De Pues.

A review of the Twilight Graphic Novel
Twilight. Where do I begin? Stephanie Meyer’s sparkly vampire books make tweens and their moms weak in the knees. They’ve spawned two (and counting) movies, which have grossed insane amounts of money, more merchandise than any thirteen year old girl…
Comic Culture Podcast
Comic Culture Podcast – March 10th 2010 This week Comic Culture’s hosts Walter Durajlija and Chris Owen discuss things like the new Batman arc, last month’s top selling comic books and next week’s Wizard World Toronto comic book convention. Pour…
Sleepy Censors #11
No Sleepy Censor series would be complete without the classic Rifleman “Woody” cover from the good wholesome people at Dell Publishing
New workshops from the Toronto Cartoonist Workshop
OK, so last time we talked about the Toronto Cartoonist’s Workshops and we sent one of our most trusted correspondent’s to infiltrate the workshops and report back to you guys on what’s it like to take a workshop. That set…
Auction Highlights #29
A featured auction has just ended on ComicLink. Let’s have a look at some of the things that went down.
The Human Torch to be Captain America in film?
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Chris Evans has been offered the role of Captain America. Evans is also known to Marvel movie fans as The Human Torch in the mildly received Fantastic Four films. So like Ryan Reynolds before him,…
Today(ish) in Twitter – Friday, March 19th, 2010
Today(ish) in Twitter is a regular column wherein our staff troll through the best of the 140 letter updates of the comic book world. ComicBookDaily is not responsible for the content of these tweets, but we will admit to laughing…
MSC #5
Read MoreMSC #5Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour
Today, Oni Press released the cover, title and release date for the sixth and final volume of Bryan Lee O’Malley’s award-winning “Scott Pilgrim” series of graphic novels via their official blog. The book will be titled “Scott Pilgrim’s Finest Hour”…
More Batman & Robin and Return of Bruce Wayne News!
DC Comics announced this morning that Frazer Irving will follow Andy Clarke as artist on Batman and Robin beginning with June’s Issue 13. Irving, who collaborated with writer Grant Morrison on 2005’s Seven Soldiers: Klarion the Witch Boy, joins an…
Just A Thought | Comics in Schools
I love my comic shop. Not just because they afford me a lot of leeway in terms of my pull list and not just because they are one of the better shops I’ve ever been to but I love the…
Today(ish) in Twitter – Wedneday March 17th, 2010
Today(ish) in Twitter is a regular column wherein our staff troll through the best of the 140 letter updates of the comic book world. ComicBookDaily is not responsible for the content of these tweets, but we will admit to laughing…
It’s the time of year again; Joe Shuster Awards time. I’m a sucker for award shows, and the Shuster don’t dissapoint, last year when Cameron Stewart won for best webcomic series for Sin Titulo, Andy B accepted the award in…
Collecting and Investing Tip #29
Convention Tip #7 – Network! Big, juicy delicious Comic Book Conventions don’t come to small towns. In fact you can probably count on both hands the number of really big important cons in North America
New Scott Pilgrim Poster!
Comingsoon.net has your first look at a “Scott Pilgrim” poster Looks pretty cool, and very similar to the third and fourth pages of Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Life. So I’m a fan. What do you guys think?
Shipping This Week: March 17th, 2010
Check out what comics and graphic novels will be hitting your local comic book shop this Wednesday, March 17th. Including Hercules' Fall of an Avenger, Frank Quitely's long out of print Batman: The Scottish Connection (reprinted in Batman International) and Matt Wagner's Green Hornet: Year One.
Crazy Comic Cover: Action Comics #598 “Squatter”
The Cover: Oh Superman, why won’t you stop beating up your teammates? Do they have battered wife syndrome where they keep coming back to you after they beat you up? You would be hard pressed to find a superhero who…
Crazy Comic Cover: Action Comics #598 "Squatter"
The Cover: Oh Superman, why won’t you stop beating up your teammates? Do they have battered wife syndrome where they keep coming back to you after they beat you up? You would be hard pressed to find a superhero who…
Meet Abin Sur …and Pieface?
Well some interesting casting notes went up today in regards to Green Lantern as Heat Vision reports that Temuera Morrison and Taika Waititi have been hired. Morrison will be taking up the role of Abin Sur and Waititi is reportedly…