Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Diary of a Comic Book Goddess: Insert screaming fangirl *squee!* NOW!
“The time has come,” the Walrus said, “to speak of many things….” The most important of which is this weekend’s Comic Con! We here at CBD are excited to announce that we will be out – in full force! –…
Brendan McCarthy Should Do More Comic Work
Man, how awesome is Brendan McCarthy? He’s awesome. You may know him from his comic work (Judge Dredd, Solo #12 and various 2000 AD comics) or from his work on Canadian computer animated tv-series Reboot. Well, next month his crazy…
Collecting and Investing Tip #30
Why are we thinking about this #4
It’s time for another week of comic insanity on Why are we thinking about this? How does Superman fly? So in the old days back at the origin of Superman, his powers weren’t as well developed as they are now.…
MSC #6
Read MoreMSC #6Lethargic Lad #119.3
Read MoreLethargic Lad #119.3Shipping This Week | Wednesday, March 24th 2010
Eighty-Three Second Scott Pilgrim Trailer To Air Friday
Well, it looks like we’ll finally get to see Scott Pilgrim move. After what feels like four years of development (my friend worked on the film and I’d get daily little tidbits, making the wait even more unbearable) we might…
Undervalued Spotlight #30
The Losers' New Poster
SuperheroHype has a newer new poster that manages to convey the kinetic and fast paced tone of the comic book series. Jock managed to created some of the more viceral action sequences in the book, and Diggle created very vibrant…
Lethargic Lad #119.2
Read MoreLethargic Lad #119.2Galloway Park – Episode 10
A review of the Twilight Graphic Novel
Twilight. Where do I begin? Stephanie Meyer’s sparkly vampire books make tweens and their moms weak in the knees. They’ve spawned two (and counting) movies, which have grossed insane amounts of money, more merchandise than any thirteen year old girl…
Comic Culture Podcast
Comic Culture Podcast – March 10th 2010 This week Comic Culture’s hosts Walter Durajlija and Chris Owen discuss things like the new Batman arc, last month’s top selling comic books and next week’s Wizard World Toronto comic book convention. Pour…
Sleepy Censors #11
New workshops from the Toronto Cartoonist Workshop
OK, so last time we talked about the Toronto Cartoonist’s Workshops and we sent one of our most trusted correspondent’s to infiltrate the workshops and report back to you guys on what’s it like to take a workshop. That set…
Auction Highlights #29
The Human Torch to be Captain America in film?
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Chris Evans has been offered the role of Captain America. Evans is also known to Marvel movie fans as The Human Torch in the mildly received Fantastic Four films. So like Ryan Reynolds before him,…
Today(ish) in Twitter – Friday, March 19th, 2010
Today(ish) in Twitter is a regular column wherein our staff troll through the best of the 140 letter updates of the comic book world. ComicBookDaily is not responsible for the content of these tweets, but we will admit to laughing…