The Smurfs Have Destroyed Hank Azaria's Beautiful Face!
He’s playing Gargamel and frankly.. I’m at a loss for words. Is this thing going to be a hard R? Who’s going to watch this.. it’s horrifying!
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
He’s playing Gargamel and frankly.. I’m at a loss for words. Is this thing going to be a hard R? Who’s going to watch this.. it’s horrifying!
The Hollywood Reporter’s Heat Vision blog has confirmed that Christopher Nolan’s next and final Batman film will open July 20, 2012. Presently in postproduction on “Inception,” Nolan is working on the story for the as-yet-untitled Batman film with writer David…
[from Bleeding] Kevin Smith has provided a voiceover for the last-minute Free Comic Book Day ad. Do feel free to retweet, facebook, blog, report or simply spam the video in question around to everyone you know. Go on, annoy…
It appears that Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips’ “Incognito” is headed for the big screen. The critically-acclaimed, Eisner-nominated miniseries published under Marvel’s Icon imprint has been optioned for a feature film by 20th Century Fox, reports the Deadline Hollywood blog.…
By Odin’s Mane this is pretty sweet. Yahoo Movies has the first image of Chris Hemsworth as Thor from the upcoming live-action movie directed by Kenneth Branagh. It still gives us a great idea of how Hemsworth will look as…
Check out the first theatrical trailer for “Jonah Hex” the new Warner Bros. film based on DC Comics’ classic anti-hero of the Old West. Opening June 18, “Jonah Hex” stars Josh Brolin, John Malkovich and Megan Fox. Is it just…
“Thanks to iPad and @Marvel app, I am now reading comics again after 20 yrs! After 2 days and 50 bucks, finished #Whedon/Cassaday X-Men. “ Grant Imahara from Mythbusters The iPad has arrived. And while it’s not the comic book…
In disappointing news three time Shuster Award Nominee Elfsar Comics out of Vancouver has announced that the popular retail store is closing in late May 2010 due to rent increases cutting into profitability.. This is right on the same day…
The newest webcomic to join to the Comic Book Daily family is Dressed For Success. Written and Drawn by Egesta Comics‘ Chris Howard and Jeff Wasson. We’ll be updating Tuesday and Thursday until we catch up with their current run.…
Over the years I’ve purchased many large comic book collections. I still remember the first big collection I bought back in around 1986. There were over 7000 comics in this collection dating from the early 1940 through to the mid 1970s. This was the collection that set...
This week Comic Culture’s hosts Walter Durajlija and Chris Owen discuss Free Comic Book Day, DC's traveling circus, Marvel movies and a bunch of other comic book type stuff. Well worth a listen so click on the link below and enjoy.
Today(ish) in Twitter is a regular column wherein our staff troll through the best of the 140 letter updates of the comic book world. ComicBookDaily is not responsible for the content of these tweets, but we will admit to laughing…
Yay! The Joe Shuster Awards continues their unveiling their nominations. This time focusing on Outstanding Canadian Publisher, as well as the Finalists for the Harry Kremer Outstanding Canadian Comic Book Retailer Award and the Comics for Kids Award, for books aimed at younger readers by Canadian creators.
I don’t really have a head for numbers, never have but I know that $175 million dollars is a lot of money. And that’s what Iconix Brand Inc spent to buy United Media Licensing. Doesn’t sound like much until you…
Apologies dear readers for the long hiatus that this column of inane thought has accidentally taken. But we’re back for now and ready to think of even more stupid superhero problems. Why doesn’t the Flash fall through the floor when…
Marvel Comics has released the second in a series of teasers for “Shadowland,” the new miniseries by Andy Diggle and Billy Tan that’s billed as the “battle for the soul of New York.” This one really should have been the…
This week's shipment has a bunch of goodies in it including a soft cover version of one of my favourite graphic novel from last year Abandoned Cars, a new BPRD tpb - which is odd since I thought I was completely up to date and a new copy of previews for you to put in your bathroom. Oh and the uber-dissapointing Flash Rebirth TPB... the irony that it was always late was not lost on CBD.
Excelsior, True Believers! I return from my school-induced exile, returning to post before burying my head back in the books to revise a proposal, write a giant 20-page paper, and finish a take home exam. *le sigh* On top of…
Artist John Romita, Jr., inker Klaus Janson, and colorist Dean White have recreated 1970’s CONAN THE BARBARIAN #1 for the cover of a limited hardcover Hero Initiative variant edition of THE OVERSTREET COMIC BOOK PRICE GUIDE #40. This is the…