Lethargic Lad #122.3 & 123.1 in a double jam!
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
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The Bestselling Graphic Novels for June 2010 (Bookstore Channel) Nielsen BookScan has released its rankings for the bestselling adult graphic novels in the bookstore channel for June 2010. Using sales data provided by major book chains, online retailers, mass merchants,…
Ok, I’ll admit it: I kinda-sorta-really-really want to be a cowgirl. With amazingly sexy Western-themed entertainment like Red Dead Redemption and Jonah Hex exploding all over the entertainment scene recently, who doesn’t crave the thrill of an adventure circa Deadwood,…
If you are a regular reader to this column, you know that sometimes I yearn for the 80’s. I’m very much a product of my pop culture filled childhood. Case in point, a new Predator movie is on it’s way…
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #3, Pacific Comics, March 1982. This little gem has quite a lot going for it. First off the book features the first appearance of Ms. Mystic (back up story). Ms. Mystic is a witch who was burned at the stake during the Salem witch hunts of the late 17th century...
Comic Culture’s second hour long show has Joe Shuster Award Committee members Rob Haines and Kevin Boyd joining the fray! Hosts Walter Durajlija and Chris Owen ask the questions that must be asked! Lots of cool comic stuff covered this week. So sit back, relax then click the link below, it will take you to itunes. In itunes click the play arrow that comes up as you select the 6/30 podcast at the top.
Shadowland is about to descend upon Marvel’s heroes. With the summer event drawing ever closer, this week we’re previewing the potential blockbuster that will pit a dozen of Marvel’s best characters ranging from super powered arachnids to adept martial arts…
A group of artists are getting together to draw sketches to help raise funds for Sick Kids Hospital, on behalf of the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). Artists that will be appearing are: Agnes Garbowska (Marvel’s Girls Comics#1, You, Me…
About a month ago, at the Hobbystar Comicon Fan Appreciation event, I had the opportunity to sit down and interview Greg Rucka: Shelley Smarz: So, first I want to say, as a comic book scholar, as a fan, and as…
I’m a sucker for slice of life autobiographical comics. There’s something really refreshing about not knowing what to expect with each update. Whether it’s a gag strip, or a ‘hits-to-close-to-home’ moment that seems oddly out of place until you realize…
I’ve tried getting into Conan. I read the Kurt Busiek run and thought the art was beautiful and that it was well written but frankly I just didn’t care much. The allure is that he’s a don’t-take-crap-from-nobody type of dude…
Writer: Adam Beechen Artists: Ryan Benjamin and John Stanisci And so the legend grows. Years ago a cartoon featuring a new Batman with an elderly Bruce Wayne as his advisor made its debut on cartoon networks. The series starred a…
Via Michael Avon Oeming’s Blog.
Jeph Loeb is one of the highest profile comic writers out there. He has written for Marvel, DC, and a number of TV shows including Smallville, Lost, and Heroes, some of which are staples of the comic reader’s TV diet.…
The Cover: Why does Jimmy Olsen even consider Superman a friend? Superman apparently can’t take a joke or something, as he tells Jimmy off for being a wise-guy and rebuffs his pleas to being rescued from the slum! Can we…
The June Focused Auction ended last week on ComicLink. This auction really should have beed called the Marvel Silver and Bronze Auction (with a few DCs thrown in to make it look good). Only 1 DC cracked the top 30 in terms of price realized (only 4 DCs in the top 50). Star Trek #1 from Gold Key was the first non
Before I dive into this fascinating and edge-of-your-seat topic a little background information may be in order. Welcome to the first column of Bound Together: collecting the collected, a look at comic book trade paperbacks and graphic novels in all…
Jeph Loeb has had an odd few years. He was once one of those critically lauded comic book creators who worked with a who’s who of artists on pretty big books. Then something changed and he’s become the whipping boy…
I am not a fan of Wonder Woman. While there has been a few shining lights in her various comic series, the character has never struck a cord with me in printed form (more on that later) but I have…
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Andrew Garfield is set to kick Tobey Maguire off his emo throne and take on the role of Peter Parker in the Spider-Man reboot. Garfield whom I admit, is someone I know nothing about, has…