I Love Comics | Batman Post Morrison
I love Batman. Maybe not as much as this guy, but maybe that’s a good thing. The last four years have been a very good time to be a Batman fan. Grant Morrison has been giving us a run that…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
I love Batman. Maybe not as much as this guy, but maybe that’s a good thing. The last four years have been a very good time to be a Batman fan. Grant Morrison has been giving us a run that…
Blacksad – the furry comic that even non-furries own – is a very special and beautiful thing. Gorgeous artwork and a compelling stories make it one of the most important works of the last twenty years, the Watchmen of anthropomorphic…
Writer: Peter Tomasi Artist: Fernando Pasarin Inker: Cam Smith Colourist: Andy Mayor It’s Christmas time in Green Lantern land! Okay, so it’s the middle of August and not very festive at the moment, but Green Lantern fans have been given…
We all know people who just don’t understand why we wait patiently each week for Wednesday. They’re the same people who roll their eyes when we talk about the latest cross-over and stifle a yawn when we argue the merits…
I have to admit, I have found very little good to say about X-Men First Class every time we hear some news about the movie. The latest news about the movie is that Jason Flemying has been tapped to play…
Ok, for those of you who haven’t read Batman The Widening Gyre by Kevin Smith and Walt Flanagan might be a bit perplexed by the idea of Batman having a bladder spasm and are wondering what the rumblings on the…
In 1989 Marvel decided to give some Joe Simon and Jack Kirby works the deluxe treatment in the form of hardcover reprints. The Fighting American, Captain America and Boys Ranch were reprinted as hardcover volumes outside of the Marvel Masterworks…
DC Comics’ much-anticipated, but somewhat delayed, Batwoman title will be teased in November with a zero issue before kicking off in February as an ongoing series. According to the DC Universe blog, the Batwoman #0 one-shot is “an artistic collaboration”…
I am not a fan of the Certified Guarantee Corporation, or CGC as it is more commonly known. For those of you new to the term I will explain it briefly. CGC is a company that, for a fee, will…
Dead West is one of those rare graphic novels that blends two distinctly different genres and makes them work in ways previously thought impossible. Another great story by Rick Spears and Rob G. (who also created the subversive and romantic…
I am dying to play the new Scott Pilgrim video game. Unfortunately I am an Xbox 360 owner (my tag is BCGrendel316 if you ever want to murder me in Halo) so I’ve got to wait a few weeks until…
The newest webcomic to join to the Comic Book Daily family is Dressed For Success. Written and Drawn by Egesta Comics‘ Chris Howard and Jeff Wasson. We’ll be updating Tuesday and Thursday until we catch up with their current run.…
Comic Culture This week Comic Culture hosts Chris and Walt welcome Hamilton artist Leon Robinson to the show. Mr. Robinson is a true Renaissance man, he’s in the rap group Crown A Thorns, he works as a photographer, he shoots…
Here’s the thing. I really couldn’t pick one over the other so I’m picking both of these comic books for this week’s Undervalued Spotlight.
In January of 1947 Avon Periodicals published Eerie Comics #1. Eerie #1 is credited as being the first true horror comic. Overstreet guide value for Eerie #1 is a healthy $8,200.00. Though the book is also credited as establishing the horror genre it really did not cause an...
The newest webcomic to join to the Comic Book Daily family is Dressed For Success. Written and Drawn by Egesta Comics‘ Chris Howard and Jeff Wasson. We’ll be updating Tuesday and Thursday until we catch up with their current run.…
It’s kind of interesting that next summer the two big superhero films coming out are not exactly your typical capes and tights fare. Thor is more of a mythical and hard-to-explain type of superhero, while Green Lantern is a Space…
‘I think we’ve kind of crossed the Rubicon with superhero films,’ Vaughn told the LA Times. ‘The genre is going to be dead for a while because the audience has just been pummeled too much.’ ….so does this mean he’s…
I’ll let the picture do the talking. [via Warren Ellis ]
I don’t really recall where I first came across Jock’s art for the first time, it’s probably the Losers – but chances are it was a Batman cover or something. Either way, he’s quickly become one of my favourite artists…
Gundams + Time Lapse = Epicness