Auction Highlights #43 – ComicLink August

ComicLink August Featured Auction
The ComicLink August Featured Auction has ended. I really like these Featured Auctions because they are not dominated by Silver and Bronze Age Marvels. In last month’s ComicLink Focused Auction 94% of the top 50 comics traded were Marvels. This time around Marvel represents only 42% of the top 50 books. DCs came in at 26%, original art 14%...

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Undervalued Spotlight #52

For me Batman #1 delivers a lot. The comic outperforms two other notable title launches in several ways. A quick look at the credentials of Batman #1 vs. those of Superman #1 and Amazing Spider-Man #1 highlights just how important the first issue of Bats is. Pick up a copy of the Overstreet Price Guide and read up on the above issues, I’m sure you’ll agree that Batman #1 brings the most to the table. The Joker’s first appearance will trump J.J. Jameson any day. The first female villain...

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