I am sick today. So in keeping with the season and with me not having to do much work, here is a picture of the Hulk punching Santa. You’re welcome.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
I am sick today. So in keeping with the season and with me not having to do much work, here is a picture of the Hulk punching Santa. You’re welcome.
As anyone who reads this site can attest I love oversized hardcovers. I want my serving of comic art extra-large if you please. There is a size in the comic industry that companies are using, about 9×16″. DC absolute editions,…
Writer: David Hine Artist: Agustin Padilla Colourist: Tony Avina Letters: Sal Cipriano Cover: Stanley Lau Publisher: DC Detective Comics Annual #12 is the latest comic in the Batman Inc. story. Let’s have a look. Synopsis With his return to the…
Catch more Lethargic Lad by Gred Hyland at www.lethargiclad.com
MSC is the brainchild of Mike Laidman and is a semi-autobiographical slice of life tale featuring video games, ninjas. paintball and more! You can catch more of it over at msc.biscuitpress.com
Most people think of the Disney live action film when they hear Rocketeer but for comic fans Dave Steven’s beautifully illustrated character cheerfully fills our thoughts. December 2009 IDW published the collected Rocketeer works in a regular hardcover and in…
Page 12 Galloway Park’s second story arc is available exclusively on comicbookdaily.com. Comments can be added at the bottom of the post or emailed directly to artist/writer Dennis De Pues at [email protected].
The Grand Poobah: Stan Lee Writer: Chris Roberson Artist: Khary Randolph Colours: Mitch Gerads Letters: Ed Dukeshire Covers: Gene Ha with Nei Ruffino (A), Humberto Ramos with Edgar Delgado (B), Khary Randolph with Etienne St. Laurent (C) Publisher: Boom! Studios…
Double Life of Private Strong #1, Archie Publications, June 1959 I’ve always felt that the title hurt the collectibility of this book. ‘The Shield’ would have worked better. Oh, what could have been. In 1959 DC Comics’ push to re-establish…
There’s so much going on in this trailer. We can see that there likely will be no real use of Donald Blake, since when he lands he recognizes that he isn’t on Asgard anymore and they probably thought the whole…
More DC offerings for the…offering. DC COMICS PRESENTS DC UNIVERSE COLLECTED EDITIONS FOR JULY AND AUGUST 2011 DC Comics continues to look at collected editions for summer 2011, continuing today with DC Universe titles scheduled to reach stores in July…
After thoroughly enjoying Conan Volume 7 I scanned my local comic book shop and found Conan Volume 6: The Hand Of Nergal softcover. Here’s the publisher’s blurb: A mysterious curse lingers, following Conan as he attempts to return to his…
Last week was a little bitter-sweet for me in terms of comics. I arrived to the comic shop to find the last trade of Planetary, waiting for me in my pull box. It was an excellent read but something interesting…
A rose called by any other name wouldn’t be as sweet. Yet that seems to be what Marvel is up to. With Daredevil #512 last week, it will be the final issue (at least for now) to feature the renowned…
Updated December 9th with Pre-Order links! DC COMICS LOOKS AHEAD TO DC UNIVERSE COLLECTED EDITIONS FOR MAY AND JUNE 2011 As 2010 draws to a close, DC Comics looks ahead to collected editions for summer 2011, beginning with titles from…
Comic Culture: December 8th This week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija talk about Christmas gifts for comic book fans, the Walking Dead, the Green Lantern movie, The Batman XXX video, November’s top selling comic books and graphic…
Was shopping a sale earlier this year and picked up a bunch of Marvel Premiere hardcovers including Black Widow: Web Of Intrigue. Here’s the publisher’s blurb: It’s been a long lively life for Natasha Romanova – in the Avengers, the…
Every week CBD’s Editor in Chief Pete DeCourcy asks the question and the crew (and special guests) give their answers, we’ll be doing this for 52 weeks. Tip of the hat goes to the gang at Scans_Daily for the inspiration.…
We’re going to take a little departure from the usual format here. I’ve kept mum on the most part about Shadowland mostly due to the sheer volume of titles published since the story began in July. That’s especially the case…
Whosoever Holds this Hammer appears every Tuesday exclusively on Comic Book Daily. I was looking through the Previews this week. Normally I try to read it cover to cover, but I generally skim past the Image section. Why does every…
Page 11 Galloway Park’s second story arc is available exclusively on comicbookdaily.com. Comments can be added at the bottom of the post or emailed directly to artist/writer Dennis De Pues at [email protected].