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My pal Chris Owen sure does seem to inspire a lot of these posts, he’s a good kid that one. Chris and I will sometimes show each other books from our PC. I can’t tell you how much of a…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
My pal Chris Owen sure does seem to inspire a lot of these posts, he’s a good kid that one. Chris and I will sometimes show each other books from our PC. I can’t tell you how much of a…
This week I’m going to start a new feature, every week I get some books ready to post on our eBay’s no reserve auctions. I have a quick look for completeness etc and I’m noting some pretty cool splash pages.…
My pal Dennis De Pues dropped in last week and was hunting down some old Fantastic Four issues. I had to listen to him talk about how great the title was in the 60s, I might have yawned once or…
Week 24 already, it’s nice and warm up where I am and I’m really enjoying the weather. Also enjoying a sip of Bushmills as I post these nice splash pages. Sal Buscema gives us something interesting in this splash page…
I’m posting a special Time to Collect insert piece written up by my Comic Culture co-host Chris Owen. Chris loves comics almost as much as he loves – I was gonna say donuts but thought it wrong, then my mind…
It has been a while since I last ruminated to you about Tales from the Comicdenn. The last three months have been difficult for us all, but, at least we had comic books to get us through COVID-19! I have…
I had a nice visit from my good friend and Captain Canuck creator Richard Comely last week, it was great to see him and he’s doing just fine. We were rummaging through some old Captain Canuck stuff and I happened…
Last September, I decided to use my monthly column here at Comic Book Daily to engage in a bit of armchair punditry by arguing in favour of several creators who I believe should be considered for induction into the Canadian…
I’m really enjoying this dive into splash pages but again I want to say that I’m not keeping records of what I’ve posted to date so I may double dip, please let me know when I do and I’ll throw…
Now, more than ever, we have become acutely aware that we all swim in each others’ mists and that proximity can transmit and infect. The western handshake and European cheek peck may soon become obsolete and the palm-press namaste of…
This will be the last of a three week push into market analysis, we’ll change speed next week, we’ll come back to the tough stuff but only after we visit some lighter, more fun topics in the coming weeks. There…
No obvious theme today, just happy it’s hot out and that comic shops are back open (in Ontario at least). I’m not familiar with Steve Kirkel, but his splash from This Magazine is Haunted #21 (1954) caught my eye. I…
Thanks for the comments on last week’s post. Lets keep pushing into the brave new world on investing in comics. One of my favourite old Star Trek episodes was the one where Kirk was stuck on the planet with the…
Last week I should have been on the outskirts of Belgrade, Serbia for my cousin’s daughters wedding. This whole pandemic thing had them postpone, new date yet to be set. I missed the wedding so I thought I’d compensate… I…
Over the next couple of weeks, I’m going to focus on sharing some thoughts on investing in comics. I know a lot of you reading the column focus more on collecting but there are just as many who play at…
It’s been almost three months since my I highlighted the splash pages from early Marvel keys. Today I’ll add the next three keys chronologically. Showing only three will allow us to add some variety into the post and it will…
Let me throw in a terrible aside in even before I start into the topic. When I was younger I practiced Tae Kwon Do, I started as a young adult and had a great instructor. It was a fun sport,…
As a child growing up in the 1980s and 1990s, I was innocently unaware of the fact that many of the cartoons that I watched were produced in Canada. Companies like Nelvana, Atkinson Film-Arts, Cinar and later Mainframe Entertainment and…
This week I thought I’d highlight the artists that the commentors mentioned on this week’s ‘Time to Collect: Artists’ post. Gene Colan came up in the discussion, we were disputing whether he is a truly great cover artist. I know…
In a Time to Collect post awhile back, I covered comic book writers and noted that hardly anyone collects comics based on writers. We can’t say the same for comic book artists, collecting comics based on favoured artists is one…
Bone was one of the best comics I’ve ever read, I highly recommend it for all ages. Jeff Smith amazes with this page below using that lightning strike to great effect. One Smith deserves another, Barry Windsor-Smith does stellar work…