DC Universe Online 50% Off Today
Over at Direct2Drive they’re offering DC Universe Online for 50% off today only: $24.98 instead of the normal $49.99. Get on this quickly!
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Over at Direct2Drive they’re offering DC Universe Online for 50% off today only: $24.98 instead of the normal $49.99. Get on this quickly!
Wherein Peter links you to Michael Chabon's appreciation of Phantom Tollbooth, and then fills you in on Chabon's comic credentials. After which he showcases the impossibly talented Tom Fowler and some other stuff!
This is a book that has flown very low on the radar of North American readers; I became aware of it via the excellent Forbidden Planet UK blog, a great spot for European works in English. The Hound Of The…
Just received an update from Oscar Yaz of the Montreal Comicon: they were unable to get Juanjo Guarnido for this year’s convention. Expect to see a full guest list shortly. Two exciting confirmed guests this year are Stan Sakai and…
Writers: Anthony Del Col and Conor McCreery Artist: Andy Belanger Colours: Ian Herring Covers: Ian Herring; Kagan McLeod Letters: Chris Mowry Publisher: IDW Having met Shakespeare in the previous issue, Hamlet and the Prodigals must face the possibility that…
I thought it was time to buy another belt buckle. I love them. I have a bunch of different styles and switch them regularly. I started searching online and found lots of really cool looking belt buckles. Here are some of my favourites I found.
Welcome to Comic Book Daily’s newest web-comic: I Was A Hero. Written and Illustrated by Ryan O’Reilly with colours by Ryan Parent, I Was a Hero is a tale of suspense, intrigue with a super-heroic twist. Presented in the ZUDA…
Mike’s Stupid Comics is the brainchild of Mike Laidman: a semi-autobiographical “slice of life” tale featuring video games, ninjas, paintball and more! You can catch more of it over at msc.biscuitpress.com.
Mike’s Stupid Comics is the brainchild of Mike Laidman: a semi-autobiographical “slice of life” tale featuring video games, ninjas, paintball and more! You can catch more of it over at msc.biscuitpress.com.
Daredevil #168, Marvel Comics, January 1981. The superhero genre was born with Action Comics #1 (June/38). All costumed heroes since owe pretty much everything to the success of Superman. So is where we are today all because of Action Comics…
Every week Comic Book Daily asks the question and the crew (and special guests) give their answers; we’ll be doing this for 52 weeks. Tip of the hat goes to the gang at Scans Daily for the inspiration. This week’s…
The first weekend in May is going to be a busy one. THOR will be in theatres on May 6th; and May 7th is the day that has been written on everybody’s calendar, Free Comic Book Day (FCBD), the 10th…
Do you still read comic strip comics from the newspaper? Do you read them online? Or do you even bother anymore? When I was a kid, I used to read the Saturday newspaper comics religiously. Okay, I know they are…
What I mean by going hardcore was the moment you crossed from casual fan to that guy who came in to the comic shop on a regular basis. Where you stopped buying from the corner store and started buying comics on Wednesdays at a comic shop.
This week hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija talk Spider-Man musical and Batman circus, superheroes helping the unemployed, Free Comic Book Day news, Pittsburgh ComiCon news, and lots more. Now kick back, relax and enjoy Comic Culture, the radio show…
I've looked at the ever waning list of upcoming Archives and even questioned in this column if the line was being discontinued. It seems a strategy is becoming clear: low demand reprints will appear in Archive Editions and high profile material will appear in Omnibus editions.
Pete thinks that Geoff Johns needs to put more of himself on the page and then talks about how awesome Concrete is. Pretty typical stuff!
This week I'm checking in on the fifth issue of Boom!'s Starborn, the Stan Lee creation helmed by Chris Roberson. Excelsior!...and stuff.
Kevin and Brent both mentioned in recent columns the uncertainty of getting value for money sometimes at shows. This got me thinking a little bit about comic conventions and whether or not they provide good value for the entertainment dollar.
So this past weekend I drove down to the Pittsburgh Comicon, because the two comic conventions in Toronto in the last month weren’t enough for this fanboy. So my co-pilot Ian, and I set out to steel-town USA, to see…
I'm a huge Darwyn Cooke fan and was recently perusing my Absolute New Frontier, marveling at some of the splash pages. Here are five I picked at random, in order of appearance.