The New Keys

What the heck is happening out there? It seems big Marvel Keys are setting record prices every time they go up for sale. No, I’m not talking about the early 60s Marvel Keys, nor am I talking about the relaunch…

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A FreeKluck Checklist

Happy belated Canada Day (and Independence Day to our American friends). Welcome back to Forgotten Silver, everyone! Last month I presented the first of a two-part series about Winnipeg’s Underground/New Wave comic collective, FreeKluck. Whereas last month I focused on…

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Week 27: Canusa Games

Hamilton Ontario and Flint Michigan have held their annual CANUSA games every year since 1958, its the longest running amateur sports competition in North America. Host cities alternate each year, Hamilton odds, Flint evens. I mentioned CANUSA because this week’s…

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Treasure Hunt

Some of the veterans will remember the Overstreet Price Guides back in the old days with their big blocks of issue numbers getting lumped in under one price, Daredevil #41-60 $4 etc. Over the years though the Guide kept breaking…

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Show Off

My pal Chris Owen sure does seem to inspire a lot of these posts, he’s a good kid that one. Chris and I will sometimes show each other books from our PC. I can’t tell you how much of a…

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Now, more than ever, we have become acutely aware that we all swim in each others’ mists and that proximity can transmit and infect. The western handshake and European cheek peck may soon become obsolete and the palm-press namaste of…

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