Lethargic Lad 131.3
Lethargic Lad brought to you courtesy of Greg Hyland.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Lethargic Lad brought to you courtesy of Greg Hyland.
Mike’s Stupid Comics is the brainchild of Mike Laidman: a semi-autobiographical “slice of life” tale featuring video games, ninjas, paintball and more! You can catch more of it over at msc.biscuitpress.com.
Lethargic Lad brought to you courtesy of Greg Hyland.
Every week Comic Book Daily asks the question and the crew (and special guests) give their answers; we’ll be doing this for 52 weeks. Tip of the hat goes to the gang at Scans Daily for the inspiration and Antony for this question.
This Week’s Q: Which comic book property do you think would make a great video game?
Summer comic movie blockbusters. There’s nothing like them. What’s even better for us fans (and toy collectors) are the toys. This year we have new Thor, Green Lantern and Captain America toys hitting the shelves. Already on those shelves are…
ComicLink May 2011 Featured Auction The ComicLink May Featured Auction has just ended. Of the top 50 sales 35 were Timely/Marvel while 13 were DC and there was also the Holy Grail of underground comics Zap #1 (a CGC 9.6…
Here's a little story about a book you've probably never heard of but will most definitely want to own. Read on.
Rob, Rob, Rob, man did you make waves. Not good ones mind you. In fact, you not only caused problems for you, you may have caused issues for a ton of other people. I know this is a story that…
Great show this week as hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija discuss DC’s Flashpoint, the Thor movie, the new Richie Rich comic, the new Batman movie with Bane and Arnold the Govenator’s troubles. The guys also discuss this year’s coming…
I recently picked up Marvel’s Thor: The Mighty Avenger volume one and two. I hadn’t realized trade paperbacks had been published of this wonderful material from Roger Langridge and Chris Samnee but discovered them through an Amazon search and quickly…
Galloway Park’s third story arc will be posted daily! Comments can be added at the bottom of the post or emailed directly to artist/writer Dennis De Pues at [email protected]. Galloway Park is available exclusively on comicbookdaily.com.
Today is the Glorious 25th May (“Truth, Justice, Freedom, Reasonably Priced Love and a Hard-Boiled Egg!”). It is also Towel Day (so don’t panic). And, it’s also a possible date for Star Wars Day (as Episode IV: A New Hope…
Points of interest from the comics interweb. Blake Bell announces Mysterious Traveler: Steve Ditko Archives Volume 3 Bell announces his latest book, the third in a series of Ditko reprints. I find his writing concise and captivating having last read…
Fairly often it seems some books fly too far under the radar to be noticed. In the last week I stumbled onto such a book. The Li'l Depressed Boy is a story about a boy who's alone within himself, penned by S. Steven Struble. After getting caught up on the previous three issues, I took a look at issue four. What were my thoughts? Forward!
Galloway Park’s third story arc will be posted daily! Comments can be added at the bottom of the post or emailed directly to artist/writer Dennis De Pues at [email protected]. Galloway Park is available exclusively on comicbookdaily.com.
I was looking at the Previews Catalogue and I got a chance to closely examine the rating systems for Marvel and DC. I support ratings systems because they allow the public to easily identify content in an entertainment medium. The…
Galloway Park’s third story arc will be posted daily! Comments can be added at the bottom of the post or emailed directly to artist/writer Dennis De Pues at [email protected]. Galloway Park is available exclusively on comicbookdaily.com.
5. Dr. Doom That’s right team, in addition to being a megalomaniacal snappy dresser, Victor Von Doom is also well versed in the black arts. In fact, he is so knowledgeable that he was even in the running for Sorcerer…
Judd Winick. His name polarizes comic book readers it seems. Gracing everything from Green Lantern to Green Arrow, and up to and including Outsiders and Batman, the writer returns to the Batman universe for a three issue arc on Batman and Robin with a story centered on the character he brought back from the grave. Jason Todd returns in this issue, but just what is up his sleeve is anyone's guess. Onward ho!
Mike’s Stupid Comics is the brainchild of Mike Laidman: a semi-autobiographical “slice of life” tale featuring video games, ninjas, paintball and more! You can catch more of it over at msc.biscuitpress.com.
Lethargic Lad brought to you courtesy of Greg Hyland.