Galloway Park 3 #23

Galloway Park’s third story arc will be posted daily! Comments can be added at the bottom of the post or emailed directly to artist/writer Dennis De Pues at Galloway Park is available exclusively on

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#42 CBD DC Draft

Every week Comic Book Daily asks the question and the crew (and special guests) give their answers; we’ll be doing this for 52 weeks. Tip of the hat goes to the gang at Scans Daily for the inspiration and Ed Campbell for this week’s question.

Since DC is going to "re-launch" (not reboot) the entire DC Universe, what is your ideal creative team for which book in the DC relaunch?

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Galloway Park 3 #22

Galloway Park’s third story arc will be posted daily! Comments can be added at the bottom of the post or emailed directly to artist/writer Dennis De Pues at Galloway Park is available exclusively on

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A (Half) Week of Thoughts

So I'm trying something a little different this week.

I usually write the column in one shot and then go away for a few hours and come back and edit before setting it to post. This week, I'm going to write and add as the week goes on up until Wednesday night (regular posting time for me so the editors have time to make sure I'm doing an ok job).

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Hard Premium

I like hardcover books: they feel sturdy in your hand and hold up to frequent reading.  What I don’t like is paying a ridiculous premium for the privilege of this format. Marvel is a good benchmark for this pricing disparity:…

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Galloway Park 3 #21

Galloway Park’s third story arc will be posted daily! Comments can be added at the bottom of the post or emailed directly to artist/writer Dennis De Pues at Galloway Park is available exclusively on

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All Ages John Carter

“Edgar Rice Burroughs created one of the great action heroes in John Carter and we’re excited to bring his novels to comics for a new generation,” said Axel Alonso, Marvel Editor-In-Chief. “Roger and Filipe are going to blow everyone away with their take on the John Carter novels, keeping fans new and old on the edge of their seats.”

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The Dreaded 6.5

ComicLink just sold a CGC 6.5 Action Comics #1 for $625,000.00 Here is the press release; ComicLink President Josh Nathanson is reporting the recent sale of an Action Comics #1 in CGC 6.5 for $625,000. This is the highest sale…

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Flashpoint #2

We're back again this week with the other major comic book crossover offering this summer, Flashpoint. This week Flashpoint and Fear Itself both saw releases so it only seemed fitting to look at them both. Here...we...GO!

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Galloway Park 3 #20

Galloway Park’s third story arc will be posted daily! Comments can be added at the bottom of the post or emailed directly to artist/writer Dennis De Pues at Galloway Park is available exclusively on  

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Fear Itself #3

Marvel's summer blockbuster mini-series continues with issue three of Fear Itself. Facing down the Norse god of fear, Marvel's superheroes continue to lose some of their own ranks with every new mystical hammer that falls from the sky. At this point it can't get any worse, right? Forward march!

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Simone on Batgirl #1

While I really have no sentimental attachment to Barbara Gordon as Oracle, I've always felt that she was a powerful figure that represented the spirit of Gotham City the best. When faced with the worst that the city had to offer she rose above and became better than ever before.

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Galloway Park 3 #19

Galloway Park’s third story arc will be posted daily! Comments can be added at the bottom of the post or emailed directly to artist/writer Dennis De Pues at Galloway Park is available exclusively on

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MSC #59

Mike’s Stupid Comics is the brainchild of Mike Laidman: a semi-autobiographical “slice of life” tale featuring video games, ninjas, paintball and more! You can catch more of it over at

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Galloway Park 3 #18

Galloway Park’s third story arc will be posted daily! Comments can be added at the bottom of the post or emailed directly to artist/writer Dennis De Pues at Galloway Park is available exclusively on

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