Package Loss

Reflecting on the collected editions I’ve read over the last three months one thing stands out: publishers are skimping or dropping extras and supplemental material. Since the birth of the trade paperback softcovers have rarely included any extras, but their…

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Wolves is the latest mini-comic from Becky Cloonan.  It follows a man on a hunt for a werewolf.  The story is told in 20 pages of black and white art. I like Wolves a lot.  The story is told in…

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Joeshuster awards held June 18, 2011

Joe Shuster Winners

The winners of the 7th Joe Shuster Annual Canadian Comic Book Creator Awards were announced June 18 at the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo. The awards highlight from coast to coast the Canadian comic book industry’s top talent and recognize…

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X-Men: Prelude to Schism 3

Mutantkind stands idle in its darkest hour. With a dire threat quickly approaching Utopia, the X-Men stand waiting for Cyclops, their General, to make a calculated decision on how they are to proceed. Seeking counsel from both Professor Xavier and Magneto, Scott Summers' biggest decision as a leader rests at his feet.

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#43: Getting Around To It

Every week Comic Book Daily asks the question and the crew (and special guests) give their answers; we’ll be doing this for 52 weeks. Tip of the hat goes to the gang at Scans Daily for the inspiration and Scott VanderPloeg for this week’s question.

This week's 52Q comes as I look at a pile of abound: sixty collected editions stacked beside my chair. What comic are you buying but never get around to reading, and why do you keep putting it off?

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Elias The Cursed

Our last review of Humanoids week on Comic Book Daily: Elias The Cursed by Corrado Mastantuono and Sylviane Corgiat.  Here’s the publisher’s blurb: [quote]Fallen king Elias is on a quest to reclaim the face that was stolen from him by…

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